so, my ningen shikkaku photobook came yesterday!!
finally. 2 weeks and a 3 days, was it?
just in time for the ningen premiere, too!! *_*
i really like it!!
it smells nice and fresh~.
i just wish there were MORE pics. haha. but i suppose i should remember, quality over quantity. all the pics are very very lovely. especially toma's beautiful pics... and this is another time i wish i understood japanese. they had some writing...probably poetic quotes f/the novel, throughout the book. and interviews or behind the scenes stuff at the back of the book. ^^ all of it is useless to me though. haha. but it's nice to see some random behind the scenes moments. cuz i want to see toma's smiling face~.♥
also wish they had some random pics, like the kinda pics toma was talking about at his blog...ah, they're not in there after all. and i thought they'd have some pics that we've seen f/magazines, some of those really pretty youzou moments...but no to that woulda been nice ne.
oh, also, my fear of spoilers! yappari. baka, why would they....
so~ i'm really glad i bought it. i've got something now to always remember toma's first movie by...(i regret not owning anything official f/Maou...maybe i should buy their soundtrack...) since i'm not sure if i can buy the movie on DVD or not...this will do.
since strawberry_gemm already posted up scans (wow! thanks to her for sharing, but i really couldn't do that...don't want to bend my precious book too much!!) can see everything in the preview pics f/be4 or strawberry-gemm's post, so i'll just post some pics where u can get an idea of the feeling of actually having the book arrive and some of my fav pics from it. ^^
also, i haven't really looked thru it carefully. saving that for friday, feb. 20 in japan. :D
********* TOMA'S ROOM msgs *********
vol.327 (feb.17?):
"i got a Tamori strap-!!!"
but it felt kinda half-way-!!
been bragging to lots of ppl.
went to see Katori Shingo's musical, "Talk Like Singing" at night.
it was moving.
afterwards, met Shingo and took a picture. with his camera. (laughs)
kyai~n guys were there too. udo-san couldn't stop singing so he became a one-man musical in the waiting room. for the first time in a long while, laughed till his sides hurt. laughed too much. remembering it will make him laugh, even.
got energy from Taarou. "from tomorrow i'll be full of energy."
[think twice girl:
about Tamori, i think he means Tamori,host of Waratte Iitomo.
Toma appeared on that show 3 days ago (Feb 15).
as far as i know, it's hard to get that cellphone strap, so it makes sense that
Toma was happy bcause he finally got that strap.]
kate: surprised he's still got time to watch a musical, with the opening day approaching so fast!! but i guess most of his tv/radio guestings are done or are in the daytime. free time at night for toma to relax. i'm glad that he laughed so much and had fun!! ^^
vol. 328 (feb.17):
[a special post, so i'm quoting the whole thing, this is what toma-kun wrote~. =)]
"hi hi.
just one work announcement.
the Premiere Night on the 19th.
the first-day greeting of the audience on the 20th.
the tickets all sold out it seems. i'm so glad!
it's! quite! a! Premium Ticket so those who can come, please look forward to it.
i will also be sure to look forward to it.
and, in addition to this, it seems they have added one more greet-the-audience to the schedule. yeah~ i'm so glad!
with the opening day so close, i have begun to get really excited.
i'm counting on all of you too!"
sold out!! :D
added 1 more greet-the-audience!!
it seems almost like a concert. lol. if only.
(wish i could be there. badly~ but then again, i wouldn't be able to understand anything w/out subtitles, anyway...)
remember how i said this movie MUST break the record, must be the most highest-grossing japan movie of all time?? haha. i'm sure it'll be a box-office success, but still...EVERYONE (that can), PLEASE GO WATCH THE MOVIE MANY TIMES!! xD arigatou~!
Cool, u got your book. The pics look really classic like, like a movie feel.
oh, yeah, strawberry gem posted the pics. Would it hard to straighten it out, esp those pic books that join really tight at the middle.
aaah,,finally ur photobook arrived..omedetou^^
the pics are really good ne~
about Tamori, i think he means Tamori,host of Waratte Iitomo.
Toma appeared on that show 3 days ago (Feb 15).
as far as i know, it's hard to get that cellphone strap, so it makes sense that Toma was happy bcause he finally got that strap.
sou des. =) the pics have a classic look, yappari, a very artistic & elegant feel~ yes! i already had trouble opening it enough to take these pics. it's really tightly bound.
think twice girl,
thanks. =) the pics R really lovely!!
oic! i'll edit the post with what u said. thanks thanks!! ^^
my NS book didn't arrive yet. I hope I get it before leave. aww. The pictures look quite nice
i'm sorry u still haven't got yr book yet. i hope it will come soon for you. the pictures are really really nice. ^^ worth the price!
Just ordered NS book yesterday ...can't wait for it! Thx for publishing some pics from the book :)
So the movie's opening on 20th Feb? All the best to Toma ...ganbateh! *winks*
cool! =) u're welcome!
yes!! ~_~
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