22 hrs, 36 minutes left!!!!!!!!
(the countdown on the right is 8 hrs early)
until toma's 25th birthday. ahhh~
just remembered to check a few days ago...THE OFFICIAL NINGEN SHIKKAKU WEBSITE IS COMPLETED! since 9/18. a simple, traditional, book-like look. but the gold color of the title gives off a very elegant, majestic air. ii ne~ come and take a look!
the bg music!! ave maria~ very impressive!! a little unexpected, but it does really capture the grand, but somber, dark mood of this movie so well!!
the part i love most is seeing toma's name appear first on the screen in a flash of light like that!!!! SUGEH. *__* and the part that the lady says "ningen shikkaku" is cool too.
no pictures at all there yet. just a lot of info about the plot and cast, i guess...i wonder what the poster will look like????? well, i'll come back sometimes to check if they've updated with new info/pics. =)
(or very close to it, i might post a little early...)
ja ne.
p.s. check out the cluster map now, before it's archived oct.9
and starts all over again, w/a blank map. i'm grateful to everyone that has come here, everyone on this map!!♥ but especially to those of u that have come here over 100 times or even over 1,000 times in this year!!!♥♥♥ there's 6 of us (including me) that are in the 1,000+. yappari, we're from the usa, philippines and indonesia (i think?), but 1 of us is from JAPAN!! EH!! yokatta!! ^_^ i'm really happy 1 person in japan has been here so much, though i have never had any1 comment here saying they're from japan. i really wish YOU could leave a message for me here sometime, YOU who are in japan right now. onegaishimasu~! ^.^

[credit: subliminalicon]
Hey Kate~!
I don't understand a thing in the website for ningen except for Toma's name and 1200. haha!
So looking forward to your post for THE BIG TOMALOVE BIRTHDAY event!!!!
lol. yeah...they don't even have the title in english anywhere at the site either...can't understand anything.
IT'S POSTED!! after 4 months (though i started counting down around 3 months away, but started brainstorming 4 bday projects since around june!!!) of preparation.....WOW..... i'm glad it's done.
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