kate desu~
the BDAY post for toma @DT has been posted!!
HERE it is. :D

i've said happy birthday to toma many times already (on the pic on the right that links to the bday post, on my toma fan art, on the bday cards), but finally, today i can say it on his actual birthday!! lol.
i'm sure all of toma's fans are very hy~per today, right?! *_*
and are celebrating it in many different, creative ways ne~
i made a list of ideas on how to celebrate his bday, pls check the BDAY post if u haven't already (scroll all the way to the bottom)!!!☀ if u don't have time today, u can always have a belated celebration 4 him later...and if u want, u can celebrate all week!! lol.
wait, before u all go off to celebrate his birthday,
please take a moment to sing happy birthday to him with me! :D
(and grab any kinda drink right now, so u have a glass/can/bottle whatever in yr hand, first!)

all together now:
*enthusiastic clapping*
(please raise your glass or whatever~)

(the first part of my bday message 4 toma is almost exactly what i wrote in the bday cards 4 him...):

斗真くん, 誕生日おめでとう!!! ^_^
Happy 25th Birthday, Toma-kun!! ~_~
I hope your wish comes true and you'll have a very happy, special birthday!
I am so happy for you~
In 2009, Toma-kun has become a big STAR! :) You are SUPER talented, hard-working, cute, sweet, and funny. You truly inspire and amaze are my HERO! THANK YOU for everything~! Toma-kun will always be the BEST, be #1 to me.♥
You have MANY FANS from all around the WORLD, and we will forever LOVE and SUPPORT you!!♥♥ and today, ALL of us are so HAPPY for you and we all wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
斗真くん, 好き.♥
toma, please go to the link below to get your BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!! :)
CHEERS!!!!! ★☀♪☁♡
i wish i could give u these flowers, toma~ ♥
why don't you just pick out a flower bouquet u like here, and i'll pay u back later, when i see you in a couple years. lol. xD

i also wish i could give u this birthday cake!! ^.^

even though it's probably still cold and raining in tokyo...
(and it's also cold here as well, but i love cold weather, so i'm glad it could be cold today, on yr bday. ~_~)

i hope you will have A VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy, fun, exciting, AWESOME day and night!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOMA-CHAN~!♥♥

[pics credit:]

listening to: a bunch of diff songs toma sang/took part in singing!^^
[credit: subliminalicon]
Good job Kate!!!
Wonder if Toma-kun is reading the card right now? Hihihi... I'm so excited right now. although it's still the 6th here in Canada, I am going to celebrate Toma's birthday all week long by running a 2 day Tomarathon on the 7th-8th.
Then go to Asian Mall & celebrate Toma's bday by buying a cake & candle & looking for posters & magz of him.
I'm lighting him 1 candle everyday starting today & making him wishes until the end of the week. that's coz i wish him a lot of stuff so I don't think 1 candle is enough.
Lastly, I'm going to this Toma-fan club bday celeb. it's a couple of Toma fans meeting up in the mall here. around 5 of us who met up in Crunchyroll. we'll meet & greet & have a bday celeb of our leading man, Toma-kun.
Hehe.. so pretty much a nice long celebration. I'm soooooo happy for Toma, how his fans are celebrating his bday wholeheartedly. I really hope that he's enjoying his bday too!!!
Thank you, Cezie!!!! ~_~
of course he is!!! haha. in my mind he is. lol. yep, it's only oct. 6 here in the usa too.
sugoi!! about your toma bday celebration. really very cool!! ^^
my main thing is TOMArathon this week and catching up on toma stuff. lol. and wearing reds and pinks and the meteor shower. *fingers crossed* that it is not cloudy so i can see some shooting stars. and of course, ending on oct. 11 @mitsuwa. but it's also the start of MAOU that day, so i'm so psyched!!! *_*
i'm sure he's having the LOTS OF FUN. he deserves a SUPER HAPPY, FUN, COOL birthday!!! :D
Yes, there are lots of Toma love around the fandom for his birthday. I feel the atmosphere and all my wishes out to him on this special day.
I really really hope he has a day off on his birthday. It seems...there are pieces here and there, unclear stuff not yet confirm that he is working on something, which could mean he is working today (the 7th).
I mean, it's not uncommon to have to work on your birthday - Toma has worked several birthdays previously. But it's always nice to think, you could have a free day. But anyway, he is enjoying whatever he is doing - so good on him. And if he IS working today, then hope he gets a big cake from work - and they film it for a DVD special...whatever he is working on. ^-^
ii neeee~ it was a really special day for all of us....
hounto??'s probably true then...
toma, u workaholic!! lol. it might be his 3rd consecutive yr of working on his bday. daijoubu desu~ i have come to accept the fact that toma is gonna keep working hard continuously, and he'll still be alright. cuz he's toma ne~ he loves what he does. TOMA, GAMBARRE!!
i'm sure if he's working, the cast will celebrate his bday and give him a nice cake.^^
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