ah~ it's here.
and the title, it's from when toma sang White Christmas at Shounen Club in 2005, remember??♥♥ u can watch him singing & dancing on that night here: youtube.com/watch?v=n6MO9Y9PTXI
a very merry, one and all!
(andy said this on According to Jim. i like it!!)
happy xmas eve to those of u where it's still dec.24!!
and merry christmas to TOMA and those of u where it's already dec.25!! ^_^
ah, i don't have anything special prepared for toma this yr. oh well...the fan art i drew...it counts as a bday AND xmas present too, i spent so much time on them!! haha...
well, i only have this "xmas card" for toma and everyone!! i like the quiet mood of xmas in a cafe somewhere in japan...
YES, i totally copied toma's message. gomen ne, toma-kun!!)
....just checked at Tomalicious, no tomagoto xmas post yet. or probably toma already posted about xmas, but it hasn't been translated yet.
i already posted up toma's xmas/new yr messages f/the magazines, but here's 1 that u haven't seen yet. it's from POTATO, i forgot...thanks to enshinge for the scan!! i dunno where she posted it up at her LJ, but here's the link to her LJ: http://enshinge.livejournal.com/ i think probably toma said the same thing as his other messages, but if it's different, could someone PLEASE TRANSLATE IT FOR ME??? THANK YOU!!♡
and here's a bunch of xmas/new yr messages from other johnny's boys from the jan. 2010 issue of winkup and duet!!!★★ i like how some of them tried to draw xmas stuff on there, too!! of course, ohno drew the most out of every1 on their message. haha. i think i like B.I. Shadow's the best, though~ ☀
oh, and yuma and kento wrote something to everyone/their fans?? i'm not sure. if anyone could possibly translate their messages for me, i would be very happy!!♥
oh, also, here's yamashita's and toma's xmas messages from 2007, i think. (credit: tomapi.net) could someone also tell me what toma wrote??

(lol. gomen ne, so many translation requests this time!! ^^;)
merry xmas, everyone~! :D

[credit: subliminalicon]
Hai kat-chan I translated the first message from toma this one:
Akemashite omedetougozaimasu. Ni010 nen yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Ikuta Toma
Which means: Happy new Year. For year 2010 too, please look after me.
Funny thing is that he used the Kanji for 2 and then wrote 010 xD
Little baka! xD
OHa nd btw the new Nngen Shikkaku Trailer is uP!
careline-chan, arigatou!! though it's just a simple message, but i like how toma wrote his messages. and this 1, with the 2 in kanji, but then 010. heehee. :P
THANKS SO MUCH 4 TELLING ME!! that's the best xmas present for me. *_* wah...sugoi. so sad and dark. & all the different women he's with...!! can't wait to watch it, though, really looks like a good, meaningful movie...and youzou seems more cheerful than i expected...
but FALLEN ANGEL is not quite the right way to describe his character...hmm... cuz it's not like he's evil...but i guess it's a way to describe his not being normal....and why they use that ave maria song. i'm uncomfortable thinking of youzou as an "angel" though. -__-
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