heeeey. *_*
i hope everyone had a good weekend.
so, this is one of those meaningless posts, but i really wanna update, so this will have to do for now. haha. sumimasen! i will try to post about toma ASAP, though. he wrote new messages, went drinking with jun (& mao??) and NEW TOMA MAGAZINE PICS. AAAH... jan. 2010 pics are tomalicious, all of the major magazines, this time....so kakkoii. ah....hounto ni!! ♥
ja...i went to mitsuwa and book-off recently. i didn't see the ningen shikkaku book w/toma's pic on the cover, but i saw the regular version and also books about dazai. couldn't take a pic of that, but maybe next time. it's cool to see that cuz of the movie, the book is popular again, even here i see it. sugeh! it's such a small novel, though. i expected it to be thicker.
oh, also bought the last book of hachimitsu to clover (Japanese version), and i'm surprised how extremely similar the drama's ending is to the manga ending!!! wow. it's really almost like the manga come to life....ii neeee. it's a nice keepsake... these things make me nostalgic too, i miss nakatsu and takemoto both. oh, and i bought a snack, mostly cuz i think the pic outside of the little pea cartoon guys are cute!! LOL.
that's all for today.
this has been kate.
matta ne.
thanks to my new followers for following this blog! 52 now!! yokatta. ^o^/
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