the last time i went to mitsuwaaaa...
was to celebrate my 2nd anniversary of being a toma fan. ~_~it was fun, crowded, and hot. dunno what happened to the A/C?! the coolest thing that happened, though, was that almost immediately after i came in, they started playing arashi's Truth in the market!! SUGOI!!! and i was just thinking about maou and looking forward to watching maou's dvd extras then, too! (they replayed the song several times afterwards, too!)so~ here's some pics and comments about that day...
italian TOMAto cakes~~ i bought 1 piece of tiramisu. yummy~ :P
TV news, showing the election voter turnout? this was the day where the election results were announced in japan, and the party that's been in power for like, 50 yrs, LOST, so it's a big big deal, i read about it in the news that day...CHANGE has come to japan!! hope this new party will be better.
gakt looks so cool/cute and anime-like here!! *_* and eita was on several magazine covers. when will toma get to be on several covers at once?? =/
was able to buy the myojo october issue. ^_^ and also bought the nyc boys/yuma n. and B.I. shadow CD. heehee~ 1st time i bought a japanese CD. i'm glad that it could be them, for my first time!! ja, i bought a lot of things that day...
the LOTTE ACUO gum!! it's sold here!! yey!! didn't see the white powder one, but maybe later they will. ano...this gum is not that strong for a minty's ok...but it loses its freshness/flavor FAST. i was kinda disappointed. it tastes pretty much like any minty gum u've tasted. nothing special. BUT i do love the cool green/white shiny, cool packaging, and each individual green piece of gum is wrapped neatly in a shiny silver wrapping. and chewing it makes me think of toma. :D i hope i can try the powder one too...the CM for the powder gum is very silly, but toma is CUTE in them. his smile!! kyaa!!! and i was relieved there was no close contact between them, though they were supposed to be a couple. (cuz in the usa, minty gum CMs with couples always involve kissing in some way. -__-) i think every1's seen them by now, but if u haven't, go here to watch. i watched it on the 2nd day of my 2 yr anniv. celebration. :P more toma love 4 meeeeee.
is mitsuwaa some kind of japan town there? Awww. Lucky!
My love for black hair...kate will not forgot now...hehehe. (But I did liked the straight golden hair with Yamapi crosstalk shoot, my he was suddenly looked younger and different. Refreshing) Will look forward to hear about something/ see something next month. Good luck!
Luckily there is no easy, readily available place for me to find J-mags. Got two idols to cover...and yeah, the monthly JE ones are amazing in scans, but it's scary for real life...the temptation every month...I'll be soooo poooor.....heee. You got the Lotte gum too. The power of idols...I usually get sucked in too...when my faves front something...well, the affordable stuff that is...XD
i'll always remember that! ~_~ (u're right, his hair in that photoshoot was nice, and kinda like when he was younger, the color and style. nostalgic!)
thanks! true!! but i will try to control myself...^-^
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