heyyyyy everyone!! ~_~
i'm really sorry it took me so long to do the month post this time!!! -__- already july 17 today. i just had no time to work on it until recently. i went to a concert in june and it was just ok. but i got very sick 2 days afterwards. and i was sick for a long while. =( i will talk about the concert + share pics at my LJ later... ALSO, i bought a bunch of cute new clothes at Delia's because they were having a sale during the july 4th weekend. yey!! i think my package will come tomorrow!! so excited about it!! xD i might post about my clothes at my LJ, too, later on. haha.
oh, if you’re feeling lonely, go to this site, where you can find penpals/help each other learn new languages/flirt/find a boyf/girlf! i have an account here. hehe.
this site is awesome, too! it has more cool features and more people than interpals. it's more for dating, but you can also make friends there. i also made an account here. i use this most of the time, but i still go back to interpals sometimes.
so enough about me...
2 new beach banners for Toma Love and Dear Toma!!!!! ^_^ yeyyyy!! it feels cooler with pics of the ocean, right? i wish i was at the beach now. and i can't wait for fall. i really hate hot weather. sigh.

i was re-watching hana kimi (i still cried at the end when she said goodbye to everyone!), so all the nakatsu love i felt made me want to write a nakatsu x mizuki fic! xD please read it and remember to comment!!
Title: Finally, it's just the two of us!
Pairing: Nakatsu x Mizuki
Rating: PG
i recently made a NEW BAD BOY TOMA LAYOUT for Toma's Room!!! ^_^
because bad boy toma is the best. ^_~ well, since Nou Otoko is coming out on DVD in august, i thought it would be nice to have a dark, bad boy toma theme this time. check it out now!!

(bday card and the note paper i will write your messages on ~.~)
(by the way, i'm tired of using cake/bday pics on the right, to remind ppl to comment to have their name added to the bday card, so i'm using a pic of 1 of my favorite foods, frozen yogurt!! xD and it goes with the summer theme of the banner, too. hehe.)
wow, just realized toma's gonna turn 29 this october! it's not a big deal, though. i know some people think anyone close to 30 or is 30something is "OLD" but they are definitely wrong!! i'll still like toma no matter how old he is. i'm just a tiny bit worried about him getting married once he's 30, though. O___O
so i finally bought a birthday card for toma. ~_~ it's not especially pretty and it's blank inside, but it's always tough to find a pretty, simple card (without too much text that toma won't understand anyway. haha.), so i'm going to settle with this one. and it's also a unicef card, so it feels good to know they get some money from my purchase.
(this is gonna be almost exactly the same message as last year's. lol):
i'm just sending it to the official Johnnys fanmail address. hopefully toma will get it. and hopefully he'll actually open it. lol. if anyone wants me to add their name to the card, please comment at the end of this post and i'll add u. usually there's not much people, so there should be enough room.
it would be great if you want to write him a message too. on the bday card, i will write everyone's names, but for the messages, i'll write them on the cute neko notepad paper i bought from kinokuniya and put them inside the card.
go ahead and comment below with a short message (like 1 or 2 sentences) and your name (and what country you're from), and i'll write them in for everyone. remember, the DEADLINE to comment is probably mid-september!!! -___- (please remember that i'll be writing them by hand, so i won't be able to write it if you post it in certain languages, where it would be hard to copy the characters or something! xD)
for example:
happy bday toma! i love your dramas!
-Sarah (from France)
i will send the card probably around mid-september to make sure it gets to japan by october 7, toma's 29th birthday. AND if you want to send your own bday card or letter to toma, that's great!! (just remember they don't allow gifts. they WILL send it back to you. =T and for letters, nothing bulky!!) i posted a few different addresses to send toma fanmail (except you probably shouldn't use the Winkup one anymore, since he does not have a column for the magazine anymore.) here:
.................................. toma news, links, etc. from June/July ♥
............... toma's messages♥
(i'll just talk about some of the interesting things toma said in his jweb here, but remember if you want to read his full messages, go to http://tfgirls-team.livejournal.com! ~_~)
vol.534 (june 11):
he got the script for The Seagull and will start getting into character.
(he also used a line from Ningen Shikkaku, saying "the road ahead is endless")
vol.535 (june 24):
he says he's the color prince [referring to his CM]. his friends are calling him Prince now. he will eat a HAMburger now. xD
vol.536 (june 28):
he says he's the chief of the Ariel research center. people who have trouble washing dirt off their clothes or who can't wash away the "stain in your heart" (LOL!! tomaaa! ^_~)...start using Ariel! your clothes will become super white!
vol.537 (july 13):
he had dinner with Oone Hitoshi, a director that he knew, who helped him out since he was a teenager. kazama shunsuke was there too, so it was like an Akihabara@DEEP reunion. except it would be better if Gen-chan was there. toma hopes he will get well soon. they talked about stupid things and also the future. seeing people who know his embarrassing secrets is bad, but it made him happy, too. and he became an uncle that morning.
..................TOMA'S AN UNCLE NOW!! ^_^v

(credit: twitter, myjhershey17)
ryuusei's wife gave birth to a baby girl on july 11!! read the news about it here.
.........Irodori Prince (ham) CM

(credit: twitter, myjhersey17)

(credit: carrylovescurry)
why would they think of having a prince in a ham commercial? lol. i don't know why, but somehow toma makes it work! hahaha. i love seeing him as a prince, even though his hairstyle is unfortunate (darn, cuz it's the hairstyle he has in The Seagull play coming up -__-)!!♥ he still looks cute, but you know...he could have looked cuter!! =T
why would they think of having a prince in a ham commercial? lol. i don't know why, but somehow toma makes it work! hahaha. i love seeing him as a prince, even though his hairstyle is unfortunate (darn, cuz it's the hairstyle he has in The Seagull play coming up -__-)!!♥ he still looks cute, but you know...he could have looked cuter!! =T
DL the 2 versions of the CM here
more pics, gifs, and videos here :)
............. Ariel (detergent) CM

(Source: ogurin-tomasu)
so much BRIGHT WHITE in this CM. haha. so toma's a scientist or something here (with that hairstyle?? i don't think so!! lol). it's a pretty basic laundry detergent CM, but with toma in it, it's somehow sexy, too. xD
DL the different CM versions + press conference video clips here
more pics, gifs, and videos here :)
..................... Nou Otoko update:

(Source: myjhersey17)
Nou Otoko will be released on DVD & Blu-Ray on AUGUST 28!!!!
i might buy it at the video place in mitsuwa, but not sure yet.
i'm still a little nervous about watching it because it seems so violent and creepy!!
..................... Kamome (The Seagull) stuff:

(credit: myjhersey17)
at the johnny's website, there's a video message toma recorded to talk about his The Seagull play. =)
at the johnny's website, there's a video message toma recorded to talk about his The Seagull play. =)
stream it here
DL it here
...................... RANDOM toma stuff ^_^
Kazama Shunsuke Announces his Marriage to Girlfriend of 10 Years
--Toma got 4th place for the poll "[GOO Ranking] JOHNNY’S faces males would have liked to be born with". *_* and yamashita got 5th. hehe. to see the whole list, go here:
[translation] Wink up - Toma x Yara - 10/2008
.......... my favorite toma pictures from June/July ♥
(copy the link to see the full-size pics! IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE OTHER PICS FROM EACH PHOTOSHOOT, GO HERE: http://tomaroom.tumblr.com/tagged/photo shoot.)

(source: myjhersey17, tomadaisuki)
there was only 1 new photoshoot, and here's the best pics from it. his hair. =( sigh... he looks better with bangs and not so long hair.

(source: myjhersey17)
i'd love to have that life-size prince toma poster/display/cardboard cutout in my room! and i'd like some ham, too! hahaha.
...................... my favorite toma gifs from tumblr ♥
Name: Ms. Asrar
Country: Malaysia
Heyho Toma-chan! I've been your fans since 2010 >.<
loving all your hard work of doing something. i believe you deserve your success today. keep on shining!
forgot to mention happy birthday D: lol
please add >.<
Happy Birthday. 29 isn't too old c;
thanks kate! <3
Ms. Asrar
hi! thanks for adding a msg for toma. =)
yours will probably the last one. i think i might be able to squeeze in a few more ppl...but right now you're already the 18th person.
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