hi hi, everyone! ~__~
as promised, here's a new entry!!
not much to talk about though. (whew! haha...i don't like it when there's way too much toma stuff going on....) i still haven't watched Unubore deka yet, cuz TFS hasn't finished subbing it yet. oh, sorry for the spam in my cbox. just a few weeks ago, some spam starts showing up sometimes. DAMN IT. i'll just have to accept it and delete it everyday.....*sigh*
but.....i just saw today, from my cluster map page, that now...JAPAN!! JAPAN is the country that i get the 4TH most visits from!!!! *___* ehhhh!! it's always been around 6th place. now it's 4th!! i'm really really happy that more ppl in japan are coming to my blog more, though i haven't been posting anymore than usual (less actually!!). yeyyyy. URESHII....^_^ minna-chan, arigatou ne!! *bows* heehee....=D
here's a quick summary of toma's recent msgs, from Toma No Heya vol.371-376 (june 30 to july 16). (thanks to mizza for her translations!!♥) he cried when he watched okada's (japan's soccer team coach) interview and he thanks him. toma also cried when the opposing team scored during the penalty shootout. he was upset when japan lost, but he's so moved by this world cup! he talked about how the hanamizuki preview screening was finally happening (and everyone, please come too), and kept reminding every1 to watch Unubore at 10pm. =) on a sunny day, he said he would rather bask under the sun (instead of filming, i guess). and he talked about how he's attending an opening ceremony at akasaka sacas with aragaki yui-chan. everyone can come and join them too...

here's some recent toma news.....
Aragaki Yui & Ikuta Toma at Sacas Summer 2010 opening ceremony
it's funny how gakky said toma looked funny in his school uniform at first!! LOL.
Goo Keyword Ranking First Half of 2010
TOMA GOT 10th PLACE IN THE TOP 20 MALES! YEY. xD higher ranking than yamashita and even michael jackson!
oh, u've gotta read this!! thanks to hana! translations of cute things toma and gakky said/did during the hanamizuki stage greeting from weeks ago:
toma and gakky do seem so close.....
heehee....it's cute how they were a little flirty and toma was teasing her a lot. ^///^ (though they seemed mostly shy and embarrassed. heehee.....)
(YOU CAN WATCH CLIPS OF THIS HANAMIZUKI STAGE GREETING AND LOTS MORE NEW TOMA VIDEO CLIPS AT H'S YOUTUBE PAGE. if u don't know who i'm talking about, comment below my post and i'll tell u her name...sorry, but there's a good reason why i have to kinda keep it secret ne....)
[awwwwwww. such a sweet hug!! i want toma or someone~ to hug me like this.....♥__♥ it's a pic from hanamizuki....saw it at gakky.org. =)]
......................cool toma LJ things
[kakkoii toma icons!! xD]
[pics and link to DL toma & gakky promoting the movie in 20100717 OUSAMA. thanks, mizza!♥]
....................and...I FINISHED @DEEP!!!!!!!! YEYYYY. xD
i finally finally finished @deep after almost 3 yrs. YEY!!! i actually watched the 1st ep. in sept. 2007....and then a little more at the start of 2008, and 2009. amazingly, me and mizza both finished ep. 7 on the same day, at the start of june, was it??? SUGOKU SUGOI ne!! ^_____^ heehee. and i finally watched the last ep. on july 12.....whew!! this was a really fun drama to watch!! really weird and stupid sometimes, but soooooo funny and silly. hahahah....that's why i linked to @deep since 2008 or something....at this blog. xD i love the @DEEP team!!! especially box (and daruma, actually!! LOL.)!!! u can watch @DEEP subbed in eng. (at least starting f/ep.4....) at youtube...and i guess u can still DL it (eng. subbed) at http://community.livejournal.com/jdramas/? there's a really awesome fanmade MV about this drama that i downloaded from last yr, but it's not online anymore. i wish i could share it with every1....=T. the MV is called Do it alone. and i can't find any MVs for @deep at youtube....aww. i wish there were.

oh, by the way, the umaibo they're always eating....it's really good!!! heehee. i love the 'corn pottage' the most!! but cheese and most other flavors are good too!! xD i first tried it last year at a japanese summer festival, and for a while, i was a little addicted to it! haha...u can buy it at mitsuwa if u live near 1, in the usa. and probably at big japanese markets anywhere in the world....it's a really popular snack still, i think? xD some info and pics about it: http://japanesesnackreviews.blogspot.com/2009/07/yaokin-umaibo-variety-pack.html
i want toma or someone to hug me like that too.. :)
haii kate..
this is my 1st time to leave a comment in ur blog..i've already know bout ur blog since last month..but i'm so afraid to leave a comment coz my eng is not good as u..huhuhu..
i really2 like ur 1st fanfic..dat make's me feel i'm in dat situation too..heheh.. ;)
i've finished watch akihabara@deep in this month too..but i forgot when i finished it..i love zombie epi..it makes me laughing out loud...hahaha..
neway i'm amal frm malaysia..nice to know u.. ;)
anonymous: wow.. sugoi.. i'm from malaysia too ^^. haha.. that zombie ep. was so~ hilarious. lol!! n zombie toma was just adorable. haha.. xD.
katie: aww.. i Toma n gakky look so sweet together ne.. wish my ichiban could hug me like that too.. ^////^ hehe... *super blush* hountoni amai ne..
ahh.. a lil typo~ >__< baaakaaaaa.....
haii musixofmalife..
arigatou...yup2..dat epi is so hilarious..
anonymous = amalsenpai ;p
hi, amal! ~__~
yeyyyy....i'm always happy to get comments from new ppl at my blog!! :D
heehee....that hug is so sweet ne...
souka... no, yr english is fine! oh, thanks for reading my 1st fanfic!! heehee. xD i'm glad u felt like u were really there with toma!! <3
oh, what a coincidence!! =P i loved that zombie episode so much too!! haha. kinda scary but so funny!!
i'm sure ur ichiban would love to hug u like that too....heehee... ~__~
aww.....so sweet.
oh, u and amal know each other? heehee...
oh....i forgot to say there was also a cute moment...they were laughing together at the akasaka event! for some reason, gakky suddenly started giggling right after they pressed the button together, and she turned around a little....toma also started laughing and turned back towards her.....their faces were kinda close right then!!!
gahh....i'm a little jealous of gakky.... >////< she's so pretty and cute and sweet....and she and toma seem so close....
arigatou gozaimasu kate.. ;)
yup2..dat hug is soo sweeetttt n make me lil bit jelous..heheh.. <3
waa..my eng is fine..thanks again..
i'm glad dat u wrote the fanfic..so sweet..n i hope we can meet toma someday..heheh.. ;)
yup2..a lil scary..but daruma outfit n acting make me wanna laugh all the time..hahah..
yes! we know each other since last month if i'm not mistaken..heheh...
that hug is soooo cute and sweet!! ~__~ gakky is so lucky she can be toma's girlf in the movie and now she gets to spend lots of time with him, promoting the movie ne....
aww...thank you. yokatta.... i hope i can meet him some day too!! xD
daruma is sooooo funny all the time, even as a zombie. haha.
sugoi....i've known misa a couple months now. ~___~
yup2..she's very lucky.. :)
ur welcome..lets meet together..but Tokyo is very expensive place to stay..huhuhu.. ;(
yup2..daruma is so funny.. xD
cool!now i have u,mizza n mashi as toma fans..toma rocks! ;)
u know Mashi rite??i've known mashi bout last month too..
sou desu ne....
i'd love to meet him together with u girls!!
xD daruma!! he made me laugh so much!! LOL.
what a weird, funny guy...
yes...mashi has been coming to my blog a long time....i guess since 2 yrs ago or something....though we just talk sometimes when she comments...haha.
yup2..daruma = weird,funny.. xD
wow! 2 years!sugoi!i started like toma bout last month..n not finish yet watching all toma video in tomalicious community..pity me..huhuhu..
u know what..mizza n mashi encourage me to talk with u..they said u r kind n understanding even though our eng is not good..but at least u can understand what we want to say..hahah..both of them are SUGOI rite!heheh.. ^_____^
wah, u're a really new fan of toma's!! xD
really? heehee....^_^
aww....they're really sweet....
yey....i'm always happy to talk to new toma fans ne. =D
we can chat at my chatbox....i talk to mizza and mashi there mostly. =P
yup! new fan of toma's.. :)
yes..mizza,mashi n u are really2 sweet.. xoxo
i'm hepy too.. =)
souka..nxt time we chat at ur chatbox.. ;p
ok, i'll see u at my chatbox, amal~~~
great! a new friend to the blog, Kate-chan! and a new Toma fan :)
Hi Amal! *waves*
ahhh akihabahara@deep ...i'm still stuck at the 2nd or 3rd episode i think lol
i wanna watch the new Jdrama!
anjerin-chan... ~__~
yeah, i love it when new toma fans come here...=D really? haha....yeah...for the longest time, i didn't think i'd ever finish @Deep. lol....i'm soooo glad i kept watching though. now that i've finally finished @deep, i can move on.....watch his new drama! well, he's just got a small role, but it's ok....seems like a super funny drama. xD
oh, anjerin, have u sent mizza the hanamizuki flyer? =) all 3 ppl that i sent the flyers to have just recently received them. yeyyyyyy. *_*
Don't know if you've heard the news yet, so I decided to copy and paste the link. :D
Hi Kate-chan ~~~~
haha me being the absent minded professor ...i just sent the flyer out to Mizza-chan yesterday evening ... just slipped the mail into the postbox and i guess the postal service will pick it up today. I totally forgotten about it until i saw Mizza-chan in facebook the other day lol
hounto ni gomenasai, Mizza-chan!! *apologetic*
oohhh, great, Kate-chan!! the other 3 will be very happy to receive an original copy of Hanamizuki 'imported' from Japan :D
Haii anjerin!!!*waves back*
Yeay! i have another friends frm Toma's World.. ^__^
i know about it, but thanks for the link! xD
i'm soooo happy for him. his first MV!!! though i wish he had his own song and mv, but appearing in tokio's MV is sooooooo awesome too!!
souka....it's ok ne! she's really happy to know u've sent it!! xD hai....they were all very happy to get it!! it's all thanks to you ne! =D i'm so glad the flyers all got to them safely!! whew....
it's nice to meet you! hounto ni....i'm always happy to get to know new toma fans.... ~__~ it's nice to be able to welcome new fans to the toma fandom......welcome to our toma fangirls family.... heehee. xD
nice to meet u too kate..
arigatou ne..xoxo
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