hi, everyone!
august 30/31 was my 6th anniversary of being a toma fan!! i spread out the celebrating into different days and mostly bought cool things for myself. haha. i'll talk about it later at my LJ.
i would like to use some lyrics from the new Paramore song, "Still into you", to express how i feel about being toma's fan for 6 years now. of course we're not a couple, but you know what i mean... xD
That we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better
It's not a walk in the park
To love each other
But when our fingers interlock,
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
Yeah, after all this time
Yeah, after all this time
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
I'm still into you

sorry, it's already september 20 now!! RL stuff ate up my time and when it's too hot, i can't get online much. it was really hot for a few weeks, but luckily now it's cooled down, and it's starting to feel like autumn. yey~~ my favorite season!! and starting to see halloween stuff everywhere!! my favorite holiday!! hehe. ~___~
before i talk about toma stuff, just want to mention that i bought a lot of stuff around august and i'll share a bunch of pics later, here: http://kate-firefly.livejournal.com/574 35.html. =) clothes, necklaces, and other random stuff. haha. oh, also browse my recent posts there if you want. i talked about how i'm reading the Fallen (supernatural romance) book series by lauren kate, and how i really like the songs from The Mortal Instruments' soundtrack (demi lovato's Heart by Heart!!! loveeee it so much!).
i kind of forgot, but toma's stage play, Kamome (The Seagull) started its run since the start of this month. i haven't seen any pics or anyone talk about it, but probably some have been posted on tumblr that i'll see and share here later, after i catch up there.

i sent the toma birthday card on sept. 12!! =)
i actually wrote on the card and envelope while sitting in the (dry) bathtub with my heart pillow, one hot day because it's the coolest spot in my house! haha. but i had to go to a table to write the messages, of course. you can see all the pics i took of the card and the messages here: http://toma-room.livejournal.com/15 2069.html
though i haven't watched it yet because i thought i'd wait for the subs, but then i think it will take a long time for the subs to be done, so i finally decided to download the medium quality version and i'll watch it soon. yey!! after i do, i can finally get back on tumblr and reblog recent toma stuff, since i'm avoiding tumblr right now because i'm afraid of Nou Otoko spoilers. haha. will edit THIS section later to tell you all what i think of the movie. or maybe i'll just talk about it at my LJ and post the link to it here...
and...i'm trying to not take too much time to write these posts, so i'm getting rid of some parts. sorry! =T but i think probably a lot of you aren't interested in those sections anyway, so i don't think anyone will get upset over it. i rarely get comments, anyway. i don't think anyone will complain. haha. it's my toma blog, anyway. i'll make the decisions around here! haha. sorry, went into bossy mode. lol.
......................... toma news, links, etc. from August/September ♥
............... toma's messages♥
(i'll just talk about some of the interesting things toma said in his jweb here, but remember if you want to read his full messages, go to http://tfgirls-team.livejournal.com! ~_~) I'VE DECIDED TO NOT INCLUDE THIS PART ANYMORE. BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO CUT DOWN THE TIME IT TAKES TO MAKE THESE ENTRIES. SORRY... =T IF YOU WANT TOMA'S RECENT MESSAGES but you are not a member there (membership is closed), YOU CAN COMMENT WITH YOUR EMAIL AND I CAN SEND THEM TO YOU. =)
.................. WHERE TO DL Nou Otoko!!!!!! ^__^

(awww. toma looks so pretty here. ^.^ credit: Bella, https://www.facebook.com/toma.vietnam)
Nou Otoko (Brain Man) (RAW) (with Chi/Jap Hardsub)
[size: 544 MB]
Nou Otoko (HQ) (RAW) [size: around 2 GB]
nou otoko - dvd - extras!!
also, sevatuki posted a lot at Toma's Room about Nou Otoko. you should check out her posts! =) and she and her sensei are working on the subs for the movie!! but it will take them a long time to complete it, so we'll just have to be patient. i'm a little surprised no one else/no subbing team wanted to work on it. hmm. =T
OH, ALSO. IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN HELPING SEVATUKI WITH THE SUBBING PROCESS, check out her posts and comment or PM her. =) she needs all the help she can get. it's hard work, subbing a movie with only a few people helping out!! she's so nice for not only sharing the movie and other extra stuff that came with the dvd, but also working on the subs!! ~___~
OH, ALSO. IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN HELPING SEVATUKI WITH THE SUBBING PROCESS, check out her posts and comment or PM her. =) she needs all the help she can get. it's hard work, subbing a movie with only a few people helping out!! she's so nice for not only sharing the movie and other extra stuff that came with the dvd, but also working on the subs!! ~___~
.............. TOMA'S WEIRD/COOL NEW CM FOR HALL'S GUM. whatttt....? xD

(Source: uoe)
--DL it here:
-- more pics/video here:
............ jun pranked toma. =P

(source: myjhersey17)
but toma didn't even know he took his pin!! lol. jun did give it back to toma after that, though. more info + screencaps here:
.............johnny's jweb (including toma's blog entries!!) available in ENGLISH now, if you pay for it on your smartphone $$
all the info here... the translations are pretty great, so now TFGirls only have to re-post the translated messsages instead of spending time translating them. awesome!! ^__^ it's about time they made their website and jweb available in english!!
................. RANDOM toma stuff =0)
thanks to Aki - ngoan - hiền for sharing this pretty active toma vietnamese fans group!! =)
(also, they have a fun contest there, where you mimic toma's pose in a pic to celebrate his birthday!! ^_^ more info here:http://toma-room.livejournal.com/15 4253.html)
............ my favorite toma pictures from August/September ♥
(copy the link to see the full-size pics! IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE OTHER PICS FROM EACH PHOTOSHOOT, GO HERE: http://tomaroom.tumblr.com/tagged/photo shoot.)

(credit: anachan1213)
...................... my favorite toma gifs from tumblr ♥
ACTUALLY, I THINK I'LL GET RID OF THIS PART OF EACH POST, UNLESS THERE'S A REALLY REALLY AWESOME/CUTE/ETC. GIF OF TOMA. takes too much time to go through and decide which ones i like most. haha. just go to my tumblr to see all the recent toma gifs!! tomaroom.tumblr.com
Hey Kate! <3
Just so you know, your blog is actually my number one blog to stay Toma-Up-To-Date! :) So even if you want to shorten stuff, that's fine as long as you keep blogging ehehe :P Seriously, I really love your blog so thanks for your dedication!
Love, Su
hi Su!
wow, thanks for the comment!! i know there must be a lot of toma fans that still come here for updates about him, but sometimes it just feels like i'm the only one that comes here. haha.
i'm happy that you come here to catch up on what toma's doing. =) honestly, sometimes i wonder if i should stop blogging here, since i'm over at toma's room more. but then i love this blog too much, so i don't think i'll ever completely stop posting, so don't worry. xD
thanks for your comment!! and you're welcome!! knowing that there are fans out there like you, who appreciate the time and effort i put into this blog...makes it all worth it. ~__~
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