Hanamizuki - May Your Love Bloom For A Hundred Years got $4,670,787!! credit:, thanks to! and i got some screencaps from the hanamiz opening day stage greeting below, too. *___* other pics from the opening day: xq ,
hanamizuki is #1!!!!!

the first time toma's movie (well, it's gakky's, kedo..) is #1! i'm really happy for toma and gakky and the whole hanamiz team!! hounto ni!! URESHII.......~_____~ because this movie is so sweet and romantic and it has a special meaning to me..... i'm really really so happy so many people love this movie.♥ i hope it stays #1 for a few weeks in a row!!!! *___*

""Hanamizuki" surpass "The Borrower Arriety" and becomes number 1! Fierce summer weekend ranking achievement!
The movie "Hanamizuki," which opened on August 21st brilliantly achieved to surpass all movies being in theaters now such as "The Borrower Arriety", "Kamen Rider," "Pocket Monsters" and American movies "Toy Story 3" and "Inception."
"Hanamizuki" certainly surpassed 30 billion yen in box office takings, but the goal is 40 billion yen.
"The Borrower Arriety" was number 1 for 4 weeks, so for "Hanamizuki" to rank number 1 is a huge success."
“Hanamizuki” makes No.1 debut on Japanese movie charts
In the first two days of release, Tohma Ikuta’s (25) latest movie “ハナミズキ (Hanamizuki)” was seen by more than 300,000 people across 310 cinemas in Japan, netting close to 400 million yen at the box office, reports Cinema Today.
It has been reported the movie’s success is thanks to the film’s origin and its actors. The movie had been based on Yo Hitoto’s hit song of the same name, which is still a popular song sung at karaoke in Japan. The movie’s two lead actors Ikuta and Yui Aragaki (22) had spent most of July and August promoting the film, meaning that barely a day went by without seeing one or the other on TV or in the newspaper. On top of this, their co-star Osamu Mukai’s (28) rising popularity from his current drama “ゲゲゲの女房 (Gegege no Nyobo)” is also suspected to have influenced ticket sales.
With no major movies set for release this week, “Hanamizuki” has a good chance of staying at its No.1 spot for a second week in a row.
(credit: japan_now &
about hanamizuki a few days after the opening day:
8/25 vol.385
Looks like many people have watched it.
Thank you.
This movie would be a little bit different if you watch the second time.
If you like it, please don't hesitate and watch it again!
Enjoy yourself!
What's Saki (yui's character) thinking? Something like that.
Why would Gohei (toma's character) do that? etc.
I think this is a very real love story.
Life- you can't do anything about it.
It makes people feel pain, sad;
I think we will all agree with Gohei and Saki who struggle so much to live,
we'll also have the strength to live after all.
Even though everyone has different thoughts,
I don't know why, but I just feel this way.
I guess when you are watching this movie, you should not only see what it describes,
but you should actually 'Feel' it.
So i hope everyone could feel it, and like Hanamizuki.
This is a movie that I will always like and treasure.
Please support it.
(thanks to jessica for translating it! credit: rei and mizza. ~__~)
............ and here's some more hanamiz stuff:
GAKKY is so lucky!! awww.....~__~
"On August 25, 2010, Aragaki Yui visited Hitoto Yo at Kimibun before her 2010 tour concert commenced. This was also the first time both of them met.
Before the concert commenced, Hitoto Yo specially sang the song "Hanamizuki" to Aragaki Yui only which left Aragaki Yui with tears of joy & gratitude."
(credit: Hyde and YKT at u can see the pics here:
(Hana translated some parts of a radio program that they were on. ~__~ gahhhhh.....they're so cute & comfortable with each other.♥)
(gifs of super cute/funny toma/gakky moments from the 100 yen store show!!! ~__~)
............TOMA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!

toma's 26th birthday is on october 7!! i can't think of anything else to do except send him a nice birthday card i bought from mitsuwa. and like every year, if you want to help me celebrate toma's birthday, you can! all i'll write on the card is "happy birthday, toma!" and i'll sign my name. anyone who want me to add their name to the card, comment below with your name, and i'll add it to the card. ~___~ i'm guessing not a lot of people will comment, but if a lot of you do, and i run out of space, i'll just continue writing on a piece of paper and put it inside the card. so...comment away!! =D the more the merrier! oh....i will probably send the card out near the end of september, cuz it takes about a week to get to japan.
(this is what it looks like:
.............unubore episode names and ratings:
TFS has released ep.4! and u can check unubore's ratings here. i guess it's doing ok... toma LJ things:
[Potato August 2010 translation]
"But, if there's a chance, I would like to go camping this summer. It'll be awesome if I could take my time to relax and go BBQ or fishing at the river. I'll probably have an easily understandable "this is fun!" expression on during that time. (laugh)"
How are you?
I can not believe it
Will you send a card to Toma ?
This is very cool
Please,Please,Please, T__T
Can you write my name on the card as well?
And how to send the card ?
Do you have the address Toma?
I want to know that his fans in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Write my name " Memo - Toma "
and " Kingdom of Saudi Arabia "
thank you so much honey ^__^
i sent him letters/cards since 2008 already....heehee. i'm sending it to Johnny's headquarters. u can too! go here for the addresses:
oh...okie. i was thinking it would be cool to write a name + country u are from anyway. =)
i'll write Memo - Toma (from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) ok?
kate♥toma is ok honey
I do not know how to thank you T__T
but if you send again please write it
Can u include my name too? ^^
Pigmom (huge fan from US) - Toma! Happy B'day! Ganbatte Kudasai! Gokouun o inorimasu ~ <333
OMG!! I love you blog!! thankyou for posting Toma's news!! and you are very kind to share that you gonna send Toma a birthday card also with other fans! . PLEASE put my name!! is Liz- from United States- Mexico
I will appreciated =)
you're very welcome! ~__~
i'm really happy that i can help you.
sure! but just this, Pigmom (huge fan from US), ok? sorry, i don't think there's room for names + messages...and anyway, toma can't really read english...=P
akemi himekami,
(i love your icon!! =P)
really?? that makes me really happy....thanks! =D ah...i'm happy to share it ne. =) ok, i'll add you too! Liz (from United States- Mexico)
hiya kate!
tnx soo much 4 all ur posts!
they always keep me updated on wots goin on in toma world.<3
keep up d xcellent work. (^-^)
ive bn a fan 4 3 yrs too.XD
pls can u include me in d card.i dnt kno d add nd i think its quite xpensive here in d uk 2 post sumthin 2 japan.
is hanamichi(uk) ok?
tnx soo much again.(~.^)
ano kate-chan,
could you please put my name on toma bday card.. *blush* but, as u said early, I dont have any idea for this coming Toma bday T.T and I really want people around him mention bout us ^^
for me, I just create a fanvid.. but, yeah..I'm not to creative lol- but try my best to make this fanvid fufufu-
hi hanamichi!'re welcome!! ~__~
it's my pleasure to share all this toma stuff with everyone ne...
really? that's awesome. xD
okie, i'll add you! yeah...i guess it can be kinda expensive. but lucky for me, it doesn't cost a lot. xD and i only send him something once a year anyway. haha. sure! i'll write hanamichi (uk)
oh, mashi, u posted be4 my previous comment just 8 minutes! haha.
i was wondering when u were gonna post here...heehee. i thought u might wanna be included in the bday card too.
of course i'll add your name! =D so i'll just put Mashi, ok?'s hard to think of something to do for him. haha. ehhh? i'm not sure what u u want people around toma to talk about us toma fans? =P
i think a fanvid is great! the first ever bday gift i made toma was a toma MV. wasn't very good though. xD
tnx so much.ur awesum! (*-*)
i guess it wud b gr8 if toma will kno bout us tho. evn not d ppl round him.^^.it wud b really cul if he wud recognise ur site nd actually talk 2 us toma fans*dreamy*XD
is ur vid in youtube?i wanna watch it.i bet its real gud.^^
im planning 2 make a toma vid too.haha. i wanted to gather his vids and take vids of my own to make an mv by the song 'you belong with me'
XD i kinda went a bt crazy nd wanted to put my own vids.u kno d one with 'i wear snickers'i wanted to put my own pic.haha.
thanyou so much!!
I can send to you the picture of my icon if you want ^_^...
I always imagine myselg with Toma ♥_♥ hahah XD I cant wait to see what he is going to do to celebrate his birthday =D
eh what a coincidence lol-
aww hontouni arigato kate-chan.. *hugs u* glad to see my name there hehe- 0_o Mashi from Malaysia of course ^___^
eh what did I said before lol- owh something like talk or see how cared his fans to him umm..
I wish it would be nice for Toma Fans
it would be sooooo cool if toma knew about this site and came here or to Dear Toma... and left some messages for us!!! i have sent him letters/cards in the past years and included the links to this blog and DT. i guess i'll do that too, for this bday card. haha....if he ever opens my card, he'll come here. xDDDDD
i uploaded it to youtube and i think it got up to around 70,000 views, but they made me delete it cuz of the song i used. i reuploaded it to dailymotion. but it's really not so good ne. hahahaha..... oh, your video idea sounds great!! =D
hahaha....well, as long as u don't mind other ppl seeing what u look like, i guess that's fine. ~___~
Akemi Himekami,
oh, u don't need to send me the pic. it looks cool enough like this...=P souka?? fufufu....i guess most toma fangirls think of themselves as toma's girlfriend. heehee.... i dunno. i don't remember him saying he did anything special to celebrate his bday last year, but he was in hokkaido filming for hanamiz then, so i guess he celebrated with the cast and staff. ~__~
haha...i guess we were online at the same time. sugoi ne....xD aww...u're welcome! *hugs u too* oh, okie. Mashi (from Malaysia) of course, i'll include misa too. hehe. she already asked me to include her.
i understand.....i think that would be really nice, if toma could know that his fans love him so much!!!♥♥
oh it wud b real cul if he dd.i wonder if he recieves ur cards.specially cnce u put soo much effort into it.ive cn ur previous drawings too nd theyre amazing!i wish i cud draw like tht.(*o*)
nd thts realy unfair-but 70 000 views?sugoi!!!how can ur vid b sumthin thts not gud w/this many views?!?ill go chck on the vid in dm rite away~
haha XD.thts wot i thought.lucky ive realised it b4 i dd it.
hanamichi, guess is that he did get them, but i doubt he's opened my cards or letters. haha...i wish it was different. like, if you write to certain american celebrities, you will probably at least get an autographed picture after a few months. but it's not like this with asian stars...hmm... i actually got an autographed picture of johnny depp for my mom a few yrs ago after i wrote him a letter!!! V^__^V heehee. drawings from last year. ~__~ i'm glad you like them!! i put soooooo much time and heart into them. whew. at least i can share them with everyone here, even if toma doesn't see them...
yeah...>__< i hate youtube. but at least it got a lot of views be4 i had to remove it. ahaha. that was cuz back in oct. 2007 there was a lot less toma videos at youtube, that's the only reason i got so many views. and i linked to it from my blog too. xD but thanks for watching it!! =D
heehee....i guess it's better to not let ppl see what u look like. though i guess i've used a lot of my own pics for my profile icon here, but they've all been tiny, so....haha. oh well....i wanna let ppl that come here see what i look like, kinda. ^_^
Hi =)
How are you?)))
Please,sent me your email ^_^
I'm here else -!/profile.php?id=100000807781709
i kno...its kinda annoying (-,-)
wow!johnny depp!?
soo jealous(>,<)
well, i guess if u say u got one frm toma,i wud die frm envy..XD
^-^i lv the mv u made nd so i can dfinitely say tht u ddnt get tht many views just cos there wasnt much toma vids..its real gud!
wot country r u frm btw?cos u cm realy updated on toma stuff nd u can send him cards nd letters..thts realy cul.i wish i cud do tht.
it's cuz johnny depp always cares a lot about his fans and is super nice to them in general, that i could get his autograph. hehe. he wrote "thanks for everything" and signed his name. (i wrote him a letter saying how much my mom and i love/respect him. =P)
i did ask for toma's autograph in 1 of my letters to him, but i didn't get a reply, of course. haha. turns out johnnys don't allow the guys to give out autographs to just anybody. only under special circumstances or something. >___< so, sometimes fans have met toma, but his manager would say no autographs/no pics allowed. -__-
really?? awww....that makes me really happy. i really dunno what i was doing, that was 1 of my first MVs i tried making. hahaha.
i'm from the usa. ~__~ haha....i just go to the right toma sites to get toma info, it's not like i live near japan or anything. and i only send toma a bday card once a year. hehe.
hi!can you please include me in the card too?:)
Toma! Happy happy happy birthday!>:D< Wishing you all the best, Carmi (from the Philippines)
I've been a huge of Toma ever since Hana Kimi. the sight of him never fails to take my breath away, =)) which is why I can never thank you enough for this! Thank you thank you thank you Kate-chan!:D
hi!can you please include me in the card too?:)
Toma! Happy happy happy birthday!>:D< Wishing you all the best, Carmi (from the Philippines)
I've been a huge of Toma ever since Hana Kimi. the sight of him never fails to take my breath away, =)) which is why I can never thank you enough for this! Thank you thank you thank you Kate-chan!:D
sure! but i can only include Carmi (from the Philippines). not enough room 4 a message for him too. but u can always post that message at my cbox that i made 4 toma when his bday comes, at =)
awww....i've been his fan since hana kimi too, and i'm always amazed at how impossibly cute he can be. *__* u're very very welcome!!
oh!thts wot i dont like bout johnnys.tho in ur latest blog u said tht hes kinda not a junior nemore.^-^sugoi!im soo happy 4 him.
no probs.
and usa!?wow.thts soo cul.
ps.soz 4 d late reply bn busy.
nd...i totally agree about 'how impossibly cute he can b bt.(^_^)d
hi kate!
can u include my name too? ;)
(amal from malaysia)
(it's okie! btw, yr icon looks cool!)
yeah...i'm so happy for toma!
he's really finally moved up a level, in a way. xD
haha....he can also be unbelievably hot, right?
of course i'll add yr name too! =)
waaa..arigatou ne! xoxo
tnx kate-chan!^-^
ur icons cul too.kawaii :3
u're welcome, amal! ~__~
i'm gonna send the bday card soon!! yey.
thanks. heehee...^///^
i love my kuma-chan. (my bear-chan)
i guess every1's been drooling when watching toma in the new FF CM. xD
omgomgomg...hes just sooo cul nd hot at d same time in it i almost died...XD
im so glad tht hes gettin loads of opportunities now,tho they shud hav done so ages ago.-,-
tho i luv his dumb side in unubore deka.hes really cute there.specially d almost anime xpressions he does>,<
...'im a flower' lol
ps.soz if i post too much.-,- gome ne.
Hello Tom
i'm dying to watch ur movie Hanamizuki. Actually i live in Pakistan and dont know japanese very well. i'm waiting when'll it come out on net.
i'm sure lots of girls feel the same way when seeing his CM. i dunno though....i prefer cute/boyish toma to cool/manly toma. hehe.
me too!! finally...toma gets a lot of awesome roles and CMs and everything....
haha...sadame is soooo stupid sometimes, but he's so cute and i love his anime-like expressions, too!! xD
(it's ok! ~_~)
this isn't where u should write to toma, but anyways, i wanna watch hanamizuki so much, too!!
yeah...i realy prefer tht too...i miss his nakatsu character...-_-
4 me thts d best role he had.he realy brought nakatsus character to life nd thts wot made ppl fall in love with nakatsu.hes d reason y i prefer hana kimi japan to d taiwanese one.
but i guess now hes goin to b 26,theyre gvin him mature roles in ningen shi.nd i like him to b d sweet innocent toma,not like d seaside motel one.i mean hes hot but i dont realy like lookin at him in tht way if u kno wot i mean...
im lookin 4ward to ur nxt post!..(^-^)d
aww....nakatsu will always be my fav toma character. he's just so silly and cute but cool and determined too! hai...i guess so. me too!! i think it's good that toma's got a lot of different roles recently (serious/silly/romantic...), but they are giving him so many...umm...kissing scenes...bed scenes.
>___< i don't wanna see him like that~ so much. that's why i'm nervous about his next movie, Genji. aiya.....i really don't wanna see toma as a jerk who sleeps with a bunch of different women!! O__O
aww....thanks! my next posts are coming SOON!!! yeyyy!!! ~__~ hehe....
Kimi ni todoke - Live action ^^
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