kate desu. ~_~
so, i was able to get the popolo august 2011 issue with the super kakkoii toma pics a few weeks ago. YEY!!!!! i love how huge the popolo magazines are. i put the pen next 2 the magazine so u can tell how big it is. hehe. (i also posted a bigger version of this pic below~~)
also, I MADE A POLL ABOUT WHAT U THINK ABOUT TOMA'S MOVIES there. please come and vote/discuss!!! thanksss! ^___^
[poll/discussion topic]: TOMA'S 3 MOVIES....
which is your favorite?? how would you rate them? ^^
which is your favorite?? how would you rate them? ^^

(credit: as watermarked. besides them holding hands,
i was shocked at her clothes!! yuriko's crazy weird outfit!! xDDD wow.)
i was shocked at her clothes!! yuriko's crazy weird outfit!! xDDD wow.)
so, the BIG NEWS now, is of course, the rumor that toma is supposedly dating yuriko. u can see all the pics and read about it at the links below:
[read usotomato1's comment!!]
Romantic Relationship between Ikuta Toma and Yoshitaka Yuriko?!
Holding hands lovingly at drinking party of “Bokura ga Ita” finished filming celebration”!
What is the relationship between Ikuta Toma & Yoshitaka Yuriko?
(what some of these news articles leaves out is that her rumored boyfriend since last year was there too! the guy with the eyes blocked out. he's Genki, in the band flumpool. this is the news about their dating rumor and how she spent a night at his house from last year:
what happened is that toma and her went out for drinks, play darts, and go karaoke with their friends and staff from the movie. when they left, toma was holding yuriko's bag for her and holding her hand because she was super drunk and had trouble walking to the taxi. (toma ALSO helped her friend walk to the car.)
seriously. if toma was dating someone, he wouldn't walk around holding hands with her in broad daylight like this!! he's always very friendly and close with his co-stars. and she was drunk, so he was helping her and her friend to the taxi. AND, hellooooo, her rumored boyfriend, genki was there too!! this only makes it more likely that she's been dating that guy since last year, and NOT toma. =T
i don't know why so many people are like "i wanna ship them! they're so cute together!!"?? maybe it's cuz she's popular right now. and cuz we like the idea of toma having a girlfriend and dating and being happy and all. sure, i'd be happy for him if he had a nice girlfriend, but NOT if it's her. i just don't like her!!! T___T i'm glad that filming for the movies are done, cuz now i don't need to see toma and her together anymore until they promote the movie in spring of next year. xDDDD
BUT at least cuz of this rumor, we get to see new pics of toma and get everyone excited and it livens up the toma fan communities. xD and nice 2 know he was having fun with people from the bokura ga ita team. it's kinda funny that the girls got super drunk...usually i'd think toma would be the super drunk person. =P AND of course, all talk about toma + yuriko is free promotion for their movie. lollllll. yeyyyyy.
(credit: yoshitakayoriko.tumblr.com)

the main reason why i hate yuriko is cuz she did some erotic scenes in the movie that helped make her famous, back in 2008, Snakes and Earrings. (this is the trailer for the movie: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Nus8mu5dYRA&feature=related). i know a lot of japanese actresses started out being sexy gravure idols (models that pose in swimsuits or lingerie), even gakky or maki, but this is too much!! T__T i hate it when actresses keep using a sexy image to make themselves more popular. also, she released a sexy photobook this year, and the theme was that she was having an affair with the reader. geez...0__0 (http://www.tokyohive.com/2011/02/yoshitaka-yuriko-has-an-affair-with-you-in-her-newest-photobook/)
..............about the new hana kimi's ratings
i dunno why i totally forgot 2 say it before, but shohei as the new nakatsu is soooooo not cool. o___O he exagerrates too much and really tries to copy toma's funny expressions!!! (maybe it's the director's fault 4 telling him to copy toma, i dunno.) and his hair just looks so fake. blahhhhh. toma will always be the most awesome nakatsu everrrrrrr!!♡♥
oh, there's a ton of nakatsu gifs at http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ikuta-toma recently, but my fav is this one. LOLLLLLLL. and it describes perfectly how i feel about the new hana kimi (and ppl who think toma and yuriko should date for real. lol.)!! hahaha. (credit: lilkisara@tumblr)

..............toma's PICTURES ♡♡♥♥
[CREDIT: as watermarked, weibo.com/comedywong]
(i also included some pics of other cute guys from the popolo magazine that i got. hehe. and COULD SOMEONE TRANSLATE THOSE 2 TOMA MESSAGES FROM THE ISSUE???? THANK U!! ^_______^)

kakkoiiiii!! makes me think of his nakatsu hair color. xD)

................COOL toma stuff @Lj
.............random toma stuff:
Which actor would you want as your stylist?
toma got 15th place. lol.
i would sooooo love it if toma could help me be more fashionable like him!!!! but i guess toma would also have 2 lend me some money 2 buy cool clothes 2 help me be more stylish. xDDDDDD
in case u were wondering....pic of the things in the hana kimi dvd box set #2! (the inside of both box sets look the same. shun, toma, maki standing next 2 each other repeated over n over. and a pic of their classroom and outside of the school too. oh, toma does not look good in the dvd pic. lol. he looks a little moody/mad. haha.)
Quoting you : I don't know why so many people are like "I wanna ship them! they're so cute together!!"?? Maybe it's cuz she's popular right now. and cuz we like the idea of Toma having a girlfriend and dating and being happy and all. Sure, i'd be happy for him if he had a nice girlfriend, but NOT if it's her.
How do you know Yuriko is NOT NICE for Toma ? Are you a witch or something ? No matter how die hard fan you could posibbly be, its NOT YOUR RIGHT to JUDGE WHO'S NICE for Toma or NOT.
Toma's happiness can only be found by himslef. If the reality show him happy with Yuriko (or whoever else) then he'll be happy.
The main reason why i hate yuriko is cuz she did some erotic scenes in the movie that helped make her famous, back in 2008, Snakes and Earrings.
Your reason is just plainly IDIOT. She must be profesional cos she's an actress, duh ! Thats why she must be able to do any kind of scene, I think you're the one suppose to understand this the most remembering Toma is an actor too.
I must admit Im just a lurker in your blog, sorry for never commenting before. But this post just too much. Now I could see how childish and weird you are. Sorry but I lose respect in you. You may hate me but that just how I see it.
Have a nice day.
look at those toma's pic you gave, wondering toma really gets more handsome in every year or maybe every day..LOL
Is Toma really a Japanese? I always think he maybe a half blood :)
Well, about Yuriko, i don't know her much. But I don't like his dress in that pic when she with Toma.
I love your banner in Toma's room since it's Toma's picture :)
i don't want to argue about this. this is my blog and i that is my opinion of her. i'm not saying i forbid toma to date her, just that i would be upset if he did. of course only toma can choose.
but i've seen a million times before, fans saying they don't like their idol with (someone) or (someone) would not be right for their idol. people do that all the time. that's what i did. you don't have to take it so seriously.
i'm sorry my comments about her upset you so much, but your comment upset me too, so you win. goodbye.
thanks for commenting! haiiiii. toma is getting younger and cuter everyday. lol.
yeah, he is. xD i think a lot of ppl have asked if he's biracial, but he's 100% japanese.
oh thanks!! i love the banner too. i love those pics so much, i bought the magazine. hehe.
Well tbh, I really hate this rumor & I dun want Toma to end up w/ Yuriko. She might be nice, cute, talented, etc... I guess she's not a suitable person for him just like Ichikawa Yui. + Yuriko is rumored dating w/ Genki rite? As a fan, I want him to be happy + has a gf + getting married~ etc but not w/ that yuriko girl. Toma deserves a super nice girl to be w/ him. owh, @ Dian. chill out :) it's her blog btw. she has da rite to write anything dat she wants to. some ppl might like TomaxYuriko & vice versa.
thanks for your support! i'm glad you feel the same way. i completely agree with everything you said!
4got to say in my post, this is toma's hana kimi's ratings, and it's much higher than the new hana kimi's!
Hi kate san. wow I didnt see these comments,until now, first of all DIAN this is kate's blog, second I dont know what country you are from but any way in the place we live its a free country and we can say, write etc WHATEVER we want, so if kate wants to whatever she thinks she has all the right to do it, I also dont like Yuriko for Toma, and I can sy it, publish etc, anyways he wont listen to me because oviusly he doesnt even know me but it is just my opinion and yes you are right the only one that can decide to date yuriko or not is Tom, but that doesnt mean we cannot express what we think, I think the one who is being childish is you.
thanks for supporting me. ~_~ i hope there are no more bad comments from yuriko fans. o_o *sighh*
I don't want to argue about this. this is my blog and i that is my opinion of her. i'm not saying i forbid toma to date her, just that i would be upset if he did. of course only toma can choose.
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Me too!!! I don't like Yuriko. I prefer like Higa Manami than Yuriko.. ><
hi anon!
wow, i didn't expect a new comment on a post from last year! (that hate comment. T__T)
i'm glad you feel the same way! hehe. though i don't hate her anymore, but i still don't like her. i like higa more too! higa got to be in bokura ga ita with toma! hehe.
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