hey everyone!! it's toma's 31st birthday!! i'm kinda sad that it seems like a lot less fans are celebrating toma's bday (at least online). =T but anyway, i hope toma has an awesome birthday and many unique, unforgettable bday celebrations with his friends, family, co-stars, etc.!!
i made 2 toma bday posts. one at my own LJ and one at Toma's Room. the toma's room one is a halloween costumes poll. lol. what matching costumes would you like to dress up in with toma??
also, i had a ton of views for my toma bday post last year, so i hope i get a lot again this year. though i'm not sure why. my bento post wasn't that interesting. lol. maybe a lot of people searched for "ikuta toma birthday" or something. hmm...
it's a good article, thanks for sharing...
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Hi! Let me tell you I just finished watching Hana Kimi today, I already watched some way back when i was 1st HS but ididnt get to continue it but now after years, I FINISHED IT! And god! I became an Ikuta Toma fan until the very end. I regret not watching it when it was just airing and wow I got to say that Im loving Toma so much right now. And thats when I found your updated blog and I was so thankful! So i'll just be around your blog for updates uhuhu Thank you so much! :D
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