oh....looked thru so many pics till i finally chose these 2...(the first pic above, i'm using for the Dear Toma... banner! kirei!!!! sooo pretty!!!!) so i wanna share some of the prettiest pics i found with everyone! ~___~
hi kate chan!!!
howve u bn doin? i missd lookn at ur site sooo much.got a lot of catching up to do...tho i guess schoolwork is still my priority...*sighs*
lol.lv d banners btw " <3 "
theyre so cute.ive started d vid i told u bout too. but i dnt think ill b able 2 finish it on time.
(-,-)' oh well...
im so xcited bout valentines ^-^
...nd i remember its ur bday soon too!! in roughly 2 weeks time??how old r u gonna b?
soz. askin too many questions.lol.
well,neways hope ur havn a gr8 yr so far..
ps.if ur wondern y i deleted my 1st commen, it was just cos it ddnt make sense. i guess i was just a bt overwhelmed..-,-..
hanamichi-chan! *-*
i'm still doing okie, thanks! aww...i see. i'm glad u have time to catch up with toma stuff here now! hehe!
YEY! i'm glad u like the banners! no1 commented except u. =/ ohh...hai, u were gonna make a V Day toma video! aww...it's okie if it's done kinda late ne...
aww...me too! hehe. yep, in around 2 wks!! oh...yr bday is close to mine, right? gomen, i forgot when u said it was! i'm gonna be 29!! huhuhu...i'm getting close to 30. =(
my year is okie so far, thanks! i hope ur yr is good so far, too. ^^
oh...hehe. it's okie. i like both yr comments! =P (cuz i get the comments sent to my email, so i read the first one too. hehe.)
oh really !?!29!?!
cul!i thought u were younger tho...lol.i thought u were just 20...well age is only a number neways.30 sounds old but not really ^-^ specially a cul one who organises a toma fan site!haha. kinda cheesy i kno.im in one of those moods.but its tru neways..
yep!im havn quite a gud yr.no lv life for V day tho... *sobs*
ummm....all i can say is 'oh dear'... (_ _)''
i guess most ppl think i'm younger than i am.
cuz i look young 4 my age too.
yep...30 is not that old i guess! hehe.
aww....thanks. =P i guess i'm older than most toma fans. hehe.
but it's okie...cuz i still feel young no matter what age i am. xD
aww...it's okie.
if u're single, u should buy chocolates for yrself. ~__~
...most ppl think im older than my age... -,- lol
...4 days left till ur bday!!
lol.yeah i guess.buy chocs for myself.i kno wot i like 2 hav too!
i guess you have a kinda mature look? that's not bad ne! better than ppl always thinking you're too young and not taking you seriously, like me. LOL.
now it's only 2 days left!!!!
hai...buy yourself some yummy chocolates. =P
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