kate desuuuuuuuu!!it's my birthday tomorrow/today depending where u live in the world!!♥
gomen for the super long wait this time,
things kept getting in the way.
on with the post!!
valentine's day, everyone!♥♥
i entered the TOMALICIOUS v day banner contest!
this is my entry~~ hehe.
my 1st time entering!! =P
u can see it now at the forum!
♥_♥ VALENTINE'S DAY WITH TOMA??♥ + V Day fic contest!!♥ yey!!
oh, we're talking about how we'd like to spend v day with toma and we have a v day toma fic contest @toma's room! please come and join us!! hehe.
of course,
the biggest toma news right now is.....
toma dressed up as a lady for the butai!

i pictured him differently...
i thought he'd look more girly and not so... o__o
like i was saying at toma's room...
toma looks kinda funny/weird in his costume!! hehe.
i guess he still looks pretty nice actually, but
wow.....he does not look like a woman, really??
hahaha....i think they did their best though!
i guess his face is not suited to dress like this though....
xDDDDDDD he doesn't look so good as a woman. LOL.
but the more pics i see, the better he that's good. xD it just takes more time to get used to it. hehe.
oh, in his newest entry, feb. 1, toma said the double play finally started, "We are in the Fighting mode over here. Please look after me." GAMBATTE, TOMA and everyone working on the butai!!!!! (credit: jessica, mizza)
before i forget,
Hanamizuki came in 12th place at the box office in 2010, making ¥2.83 billion!!! (none of toma's other movies made the top 29.) CONGRATS TO TOMA AND GAKKY AND THE WHOLE HANAMIZ TEAM!! yeyyyyyyy!!! (when can i finally watch this movie????!! =T)
Japan's movie industry reached record high in 2010
(thanks to, or i wouldn't know about this!)
Hanamizuki came in 12th place at the box office in 2010, making ¥2.83 billion!!! (none of toma's other movies made the top 29.) CONGRATS TO TOMA AND GAKKY AND THE WHOLE HANAMIZ TEAM!! yeyyyyyyy!!! (when can i finally watch this movie????!! =T)
Japan's movie industry reached record high in 2010
(thanks to, or i wouldn't know about this!)
TOMA WON AGAIN!!!!! ^______^
and this time,
he's the first ever johnnys talent
that won this award,
the 53rd blue ribbon awards' best new artist!!!

i was super super happy for him and so proud of him when i found out!!!!!!
(lol, i'm still happy now, but it happened weeks ago. sorry it took me so long to post this. haha.)
like i always say,
toma is such an amazingly brilliant actor,
and i'm so glad that more and more people are
discovering just how extraordinarily talented he is....
it's his time to shine!!!!!
and i want him to win more and more awards!!!
Winners of the 53rd “Blue Ribbon Awards” announced
This year’s “Rookie of the Year” award went to Sakuraba Nanami for her role in “The Last Chushingura” and to Ikuta Toma for his movie debut “Ningen Shikkaku” (The Fallen Angel). It is the first time in the long history of the award that an active Johnny’s talent has won in one of the categories.
Proudly he stated, “I have always felt like a leftover not fit for any group within the agency. I love to act and the ratio of successful applicants for a position as an actor isn’t that high within the agency, thus I decided that this is what I want to do. However, I have still continuously been trying to find out where I am actually standing right now and it really means a lot to me to be the first of my agency to win one of the awards.”
---and a longer, kinda different version of this news i saw at AF, thanks to meoinkie2:
(us toma fans talking about how happy we are for toma!! ^_^)
toma wrote a cute, short message about how happy he is to win this award. "This is once-in-a-lifetime chance to get this award. I'm very glad." then he said the actor who was the captain of unubore 5 in the drama was the first sempai to call him to congratulate him, and he went into sadame hyper mode!! lol. you should read his whole message here!!
(credit: jessica, mizza)
...............toma's pics!!♥♥
(credit 4 all pics in this post: mizza, tomalover, troom, rita via zoe, cookiesmon)
wah, so much this time!! xD
i love that girly/pretty toma genji pic!!!!
and of course, the super cool good vs bad toma and the black & white kakkoii toma pics, and the myojo outdoors pics more scarf-y tomaaaa!!!♥
i dunno why they want toma to keep his hair long for his butai (wanted hitler to have a new image? eh??), but i really don't like how they style his long hair sometimes. =T they should just pin it up all the time (cuz he looks soooo good~~ like that!) or tie it back or something. hmm....(oh, and i know i shouldn't complain, but i wish toma's mag scans weren't so huge and we have to DL it from mediafire so much now. zoe used to upload them to imageshack and post them up, so we can see them. but her site has a password now. *cries*)

............................ cool toma LJ stuff:
[some1 selling 4 tickets to toma's play...feb.17 and 25.]
[tomatoloves' translation of Duet February 2011 interview. hehe...all toma's been doing is studying the script for the play!!]
[23-01'11 - Bokura no Jidai. video about toma's play?]
[Few icons..]
[Movie Ningen Shikkaku + Extras del DVD + Booklet. dvd extras! video clips + pics...]
[20110125 ZOOM IN SUPER PREMIER. interview with toma about him winning the blue ribbon award. ^^]
------------ @TOMA'S ROOM:
TOMA VODKA?? products using toma's name and "toma" has a naughty meaning??
guess who's in toma's room!
.............random toma stuff
I FOUND OUT THAT JOHNNYS HAS A STUPID RULE, THAT WHEN A JOHNNYS GUY TURNS 30, he can no longer appear in the idol magazines (DUET, POTATO, WINKUP) every month. he'll only appear if he has something to promote. awww....i wanna keep seeing toma every month in those magazines, even after he's 30! O___O *sigh* it's not fair. ohno is 30 now, so the rule already affects him and arashi. the news about ohno not being in those magazines anymore here:

I FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS WEBSITE RECENTLY. IT'S GOT A TON OF CUTE AND QUIRKY/COOL, AND ESPECIALLY JAPAN-Y, KAWAII STUFF THERE!! YOU'VE GOTTA CHECK IT OUT! IT'S KINDA PRICEY, BUT THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS THERE THAT'S US$10 OR LESS TOO. i think they ship everywhere in the world...xD (i'm not an affiliate or anything, i just love the stuff there, and i think you would be interested in this stuff too. hehe. ^_~)
and this place only sells stylish clothes and accessories from Japan. ships in the usa only...i got this super cute and soft bear hoodie, but the apricot-colored version (it looks white in the pic, but it's really a beige color. lol.) hehe. it's my bday present for myself this year. ^////^
(oh, i also linked to both these sites on the right side of my blog. hehe. ^__^)
i finally got around to watching the last episode of unubore last month!!! whew! finally done!
i think mostly everyone has finished it,
unubore stayed silly and fun until the very end neeeee!
i'll miss this drama sooooo much!!! i hope the next drama toma's in will be a wacky, happy one like this....or actually a romantic comedy would be soooo nice too! xD
so my thoughts about each episode.
episode 9 was ok...
it was fun to see unubore act like a little boy around his mom. haha!! and the flaming darts were cool!! i feel sorry for that lady, but that's no reason to set fire to people's houses!! well...most of the episodes later on, the reason why the lady did whatever bad thing didn't make much sense to me. LOL.
episode 10 was awesome!!
toma shows up a lot, the girl and her mom are both pretty, and she's a huge fan of sadame!!! hehe. the reason for the murder was SO stupid, but it was funny how unubore slept in the same bed with saeki and a whole bunch of mistaken gay-ness was going on. xD too bad toma wasn't able to use nakatsu's phrase, "homo janai!". ^o^ unbelievably, i spent most of the episode thinking "that lady looks so familiar!". not until the end of the episode did i recognize that she's the majo from majo saiban!!!!!! LOL. really!! oh, and of course toma x nagase dancing was SO AWESOME!! =P awww...i wanna see toma dancing more!!
episode 11, the finale!
wah....toma in the sauna scene!! total fanservice. fufufu. toma half naked and sweaty, looking at a guy's...knee!! but i was distracted by how THIN toma looked! =T toma still looked so cute in the WHITE makeup and that funny costume. heehee. he had to run away.....awww!! and unubore was like, were they mean to you? xD awww.... the UNUBORE 5 dancing together was cool! toma and nagase looked the coolest, of course, and toma was kinda flirty and girly while dancing!! *_* in this episode, i felt so sorry for saeki. =T i kinda wish rie got to say sorry to him or something. but the part where they rescue her was funny! xD and finally, they get married in a church and she looks so beautiful in the dress and veil and all!! some of the ppl from the police station showed up!!!! LOL!!!!!! xDDDD aww....but he arrests her again!! awww....but it's okie, cuz he'll wait for her. hehe. but he STILL falls for women sometimes???? aiya... i guess he'll never change! sadame got to be in a japan/usa movie!!! awww.....zombie of the dead sounds like akihabara of the dead...remember? xD hehehe. and of course, he's a dead guy, after all! THE END.
-------- fav quotes from: ep 9
-want to come over? it's a net cafe though.
-not like him? nonsense! who does that woman think she is!?
-grandma...grandma... grandma...
-sorry, i'm a real grandma's boy. xD
-please stay forever until the end of the week!
------ from: ep 11
-ah, yes! thanks for critiquing my presence! i'll be sure to talk to him. that presence guy.
-i love you more than mt. aizu-bandai!]

Kate-chan! :D
Sashiburi desu! How are you? Otanjoubi omedetou~ :D It's your birthday in Australia atm! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to comment on your blog! I've been travelling around Europe over the last few months and had very limited access to the internet. I just got back home a few days ago and I can finally catch up on everything. I'm so behind on Toma news >< Thanks to you I can read about all of the recent updates all in one go! Arigatou :) I'm also really excited about yours and Mizza's 'Toma's Room' on LJ! I'm looking forward to seeing it and contributing to the posts! In response to your previous message (sometime last Nov, I think) I haven't had time to read your latest fic! I'll definitely read it and comment on it this week though! I'm looking forward to it! :)
That's fantastic that Toma won the Blue Ribbon award, so happy for him! at his 'girl costume' for the butai! He seems to pull the feminine look off very well, but it's strange seeing it at the same time lol xD He'll be fantastic for sure! Oooh, I also meant to say that I managed to watch Hanamizuki (eng subbed) on the plane while I was on the plane home! I really wasn't expecting to see it as an option on the movies list, but it was there! I wrote down the exchange between Toma and Gakky when they're both at the lighthouse at dusk, it was so romantic! If something hasn't been posted already (I don't know if there's already a Hanamizuki transcript online, but I could send you what I wrote down, if you'd like?)
Anyways, sorry it's been so long since I last commented! I'm really looking forward to your next posts!
Lou :)
lou-chan!! ^^
sashiburiiiiii! i'm fine, thanks! hehe. thanks 4 the bday wish~~! *happy*
uwa...souka...welcome home!! hehe. yey! i'm glad you can get all of toma's updates in 1 place, here!! =P's so fun talking to everyone at toma's room! can't wait till you come and join us there! xD's ok. hehe. looking forward to your reaction to the fic then...fufufu.
yeahhhh! toma's having an awesome year so far!! xD more and more awards for him, please!! i am still so shocked at his lady look. xD but what's important is his acting, which i'm sure is great as usual...hehe.
GAHHH!!! U WERE ABLE TO WATCH HANAMIZ ON A PLANE!! there was another fan that told me she watched it on a plane! so cool!!
umm...some1 posted up a video clip of their kiss @the lighthouse, so i've seen from the part she said that her father died when she was young till the kiss...if the part u wrote down is longer than that, then please please share it with me!! heehee. that scene is soooo romantic. >////< (there's no hanamiz transcript on9. =T)
it's okieeee!
aww...yep. i'll try my best! though i've not been updating frequently lately cuz i wait till toma stuff builds up and then post a bunch of stuff at once. haha.
Happy Birthday Kate!
Hope you had a great day with cake and pressies and lotsa love.
Yeah, just like u, all the while in Ep 10 of Unubore, I thought the mum was sooo familiar. Then I thought she was the witch, but some angles she didn't look like it. But the more I watched, I was sure she was the Majo in Majo.
His first dancing with Nagase (on the rooftop) was awesome, in sync and funny. I rewind two times, so I could watch him only, and then to see what Nagase was doing. hehe.
With all those awards, he now for sure can cement his place in history, a stand out in his own right in amonsgt the Johnny boys. And also cement a solid career in the film circles amongst his actor peers. Yeah, goof for him.
<3 !!blated hapi bday!! <3
^-^ soz its late.i wasnt real sure of the time dference but i hope that u had a lovely time.
lol. i lv toma as a woman, a bt strange but actually hes quite pretty. >.<
unu deka's soo funny evn my friends fall over laughing (not exaggerating)-,-' --they dnt evn understand wots goin on half d time...
im glad that toma's gettn loads of award.its a shame tht his other films ddnt get in tho. but my fave's hanamiz neways so im happy.
hope u had a gr8 bday...^,~
nxt-valentines day!!!
thanks, paige!!
heehee. i had a very sweet and happy bday. ~__~
you too??
i think it's cuz she looks younger and prettier in this episode!
both nagase and toma were so awesome n funny 4 that dance scene!
i watched it over n over, but on youtube, be4 i watched that episode cuz some1 uploaded it. xD
you're so right!!!
i'm so happy all of toma's hard work is paying off!! finally, everyone is seeing how amazing he is. ^_^
thanks, hanamichi!!
(when is your bday? is it a few days be4 or after mine? i forgot! sorry!)
i had a really sweet and happy bday!! ^^'s strange to see him as a woman. xD
haha!! yeahhh!! =D
and nagase makes me laugh the most. even when he's just making funny faces, it's hilarious!!
but i'm so happy for hanamiz!!! <3
yeahhhh!! ~___~
i'm excited about V DAY!!<3 hehe.
it was d 12th!!tnx.dnt worry bout it!! i had a gr8 time ^-^d
so wot uv bn up to at v-day?its k if u dnt wanna share it ;3
oh! happy belated birthday!!! ~__~
ja...just did some romantic, sweet things with my honey.
and of course, ate some chocolates!! hehe. <3
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