hi everyone,
it's Dec. 31, i made it on time this month!! i always feel down around the end of the year, but by new year's eve, i'm usually excited for a new year. a new ME! lol. not exactly, but i'm hoping this year will be 100 times better than last year, and that i get to do more things that i want to do. hmm... HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!! *_* i hope it's a good year for toma and his fans. v(^_^)v
i know it's past xmas, but in case you're still in an xmas mood xD, here's an awesome christmas lights show set to music, which i shared here:
http://toma-room.livejournal.com/114056.html (also, since it's almost new years, i made a new grey layout for toma's room yesterday! yey!!! come check it out!! ~_~)

i talked about + shared pics of the sakura scented bath roman bath salts and some xmas stuff here. :)
SAKURA BATH ROMAN!! ~_~ + xmas cookies 4 me + xmas decorations at mitsuwa...
and when i've finished ep.s 4-6, i'll talk about them here:
Osawari, episodes 4-6. some screencaps and comments...
actually, this is bad, but for the 1st time ever, i wonder if i should keep watching toma’s drama? O_O i feel guilty that i don’t like it like most people (i didn’t like BRI 1 and 2 either), but the pace is very slow, the stories are boring and preachy, and i don’t really care about any of the characters, except maybe kenta’s. sighhhh. i guess i’ll keep watching for now, but i might have to start fast forwarding some parts. >.< I REALLY HOPE I’LL LIKE NOU OTOKO. seems like i didn’t like any of toma’s main projects this year!! gahhh..
OH, I ADDED AN OSAWARI POLL ABOVE THIS POST. PLEASE VOTE!! it seems like everyone loves this drama, but i think there must be more people like me, who don't?? and it's been forever since i've posted a poll here, so....i'll try to remember to make polls here sometimes from now on to keep things interesting here! hehe.
........................ toma's messages♥
(i'll just talk about some of the interesting things toma said in his jweb here, but remember if you want to read his full messages, go to http://tfgirls-team.livejournal.com! ~_~)
toma is sad that his drama has ended and he thanks everyone who watched it. he's really happy that Osozaki no Himiwari won a cultural award, too. and he wishes everyone a merry christmas and happy new year!
........................................ ...... toma news, links, etc. from December ♥
......................OMG, TOMA'S BROTHER GOT MARRIED!!! O.O
he announced that he got married on dec. 25. his wife also is a tv news announcer who works in the same place he does, and she's 29. apparently they only dated 6 months before they got married??!! WOW.... i'm surprised he got married so fast. he's only 24! well, i hope they'll have a happy marriage and have some cute kids soon!
hopefully this won't make toma want to get married too!! haha. so many people he knows got married this year. jin, shun, now his brother...
here's the news about toma congratulating them:
................. TOMA SANG A SONG ON DOMOTO KYOUDAI!! ^_^

(credit: kavya)
wow! toma sang quite well! better than last time. and this song seems harder to sing than the last one too. good job, toma!! but he seemed very nervous and tense, and it made me tense too! lol
you can watch it here:
DL the karaoke video of it that kavya made here:
............ TFGirls have subbed episodes 5-6 of osawari. =)

(credit: nicolesjstuff)
the last episode of osozaki no himiwari, episode 10, aired on christmas! the average ratings of the drama was 9.2. you can already pre-order the dvd box set (at cdjapan or yesasia) which is ridiculously expensive. xD it will be released may 1, 2013. (off topic: I JUST FOUND OUT THAT CDJAPAN LETS YOU LISTEN TO AUDIO SAMPLES FROM CDs now!! awesome!! ~_~)
oh, someone made an MV for joutaro and kahori. watch it here:
.................. toma's new Vitz cm

(Source: jellybean6972)
you can watch it here:
you can DL it at these links
......... all the johnnys artists filmed a short xmas video message =)
but the link at the johnnys page has expired. o_o sorry!! i should have known and shared the link earlier. well, it was super short anyway, and you can see the gifs from it here: http://tomafanindia.tumblr.com/post/378 43343031/tomas-message-for-christmas-fin d-tomas#Notes
(but if anyone reallyyyyy wants to DL the video clip, comment below with your email and i'll send u the link to DL it! cuz i think the person who uploaded it didn't want the link to be shared. thanks to kavya for giving me the link!)

........... DL the various tv shows toma was on (or scans!):
toma was a guest judge on the new Iron Chef!
TOKIO Kakeru October 17th, 2012 (English Subtitles
Domoto Kyodai 2012.12.23 (the complete episode, i guess)
Bokura no Jidai Part 2 (English Subtitles)
[not a video clip. xD] these are cool new promo pics for Nou Otoko!
................. Arama's Classier Than None of them Hoes 2012
toma and bokura ga ita were nominated, but didn't win. =( they both got 2nd place in the best movie and best actor categories. oh well. thank you, anyone that voted for toma! you can see the full results list here:
................ my favorite toma pictures from December ♥
(copy the link to see the full-size pics!)
IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE OTHER PICS FROM EACH PHOTOSHOOT, GO HERE:http://tomaroom.tumblr.com/tagged/photo shoot.

lol. censored toma an an cover pic. they always don't show the pics of the johnnys artist if he's on the cover. i just thought i'd post it cuz it looks funny, and it's been 2 years since (sexy!) toma was on the cover of an an. but this is NOT a sexy photoshoot. =T

(toma in casual, relaxed mode. xD
Source: remarkablemen)

(toma just came out of the fireplace!! lol
source: tomafanindia)

(toma and his crown. xD
source: tomafanindia)

(toma getting dressed...
Source: seiobo)
Source: seiobo)

(i like his striped sweater!
Source: asianbeautyaddict)
....................... my favorite toma gifs from tumblr ♥

he gives her the sunflower he's been taking care of for xmas? aww. ~_~
1 comment:
Hi Kate. Are you one of the admins at TFGirls Subteam? I sent my request a long time ago to join the community but still haven't got accepted :(Do you have any idea how I can get through to them?
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