(KONBANWA....kate desu.
gomen....spent so much time gathering pics n news n stuff and resizing and everything. ran out of time. xD whew.....sorry misa, i thought i'd be able to post, but i can only post a little bit. =T)
gomen....spent so much time gathering pics n news n stuff and resizing and everything. ran out of time. xD whew.....sorry misa, i thought i'd be able to post, but i can only post a little bit. =T)
and i guess it meant something like though they were far apart, their hearts were together...i guess. it was sweet and meaningful...for them to be apart and then meet, since the movie was about their long distance relationship. except they were just apart earlier in the day, and then reunited later in the day, in shibuya. haha. (oh, the "giving thanks" part is returning to where they are from and thanking fans there or something....more about this later. i forgot the explanation in the news i read about it. xD sorry.)
(THANKS SO MUCH TO H-CHAN @youtube FOR ALL THESE VIDEO CLIPS, cuz i'd much rather watch it online instead of having to DL it...hehe. ^____^ but of course, thanks to mizza-chan for uploading these videos for everyone.)
-toma's hair and outfit is nice at this stage greeting (whew...IMO, it wasn't so nice the last few times. =P). white shirt again though. wow. i guess he really likes that prince charming in white look. heehee.
-it was nice, how toma looked up and waved to fans as he entered the theatre. ~__~
-it was cute how toma n gakky both stood the same way, with one arm holding the other at the elbow.♥
-some female fans gave toma some a bouquet of flowers on stage and were seriously so hyper/happy when he smiled and thanked them. xD so lucky!!!!
-a lady was saying something and toma made a shocked/cute face and was like "maji des?!" and he said "gamba des!" with that "gambatte!" hand motion. gakky did it too. i hope some1 will translate that part. it was so cute n funny.
EDIT: oh, thanks to tomatoloves 4 the explanation!! ~__~ heehee...funny n cute that toma n gakky couldn't think of anything else to say right then.
11 Sep 10, 05:28
tomatoloves: *the ppl in the audience. (quite a few ppl raised their hands when the host asked if anyone's in a ldr now, thats why.) HTHs!
11 Sep 10, 05:27
tomatoloves: the lady was asking toma to say an encouraging msg to the audience who 's in a long-distance r/s now. (:

WOW. i wish i was there!! credit: kingkow @gakky.org)

i love winkup toma!!!! cute shy poses!! pretty outfit!! i love it when toma
(or any1, but especially him. xD) wears scarves! ~__~
oh, and POTATO toma is so kawaii n kakkoii too!!♥
LOL, the pic of him sticking his tongue out and winking!!!
....credit: tu.6.cn, troom [not sure...ehh...i'll check n edit this later])
i love winkup toma!!!! cute shy poses!! pretty outfit!! i love it when toma
(or any1, but especially him. xD) wears scarves! ~__~
oh, and POTATO toma is so kawaii n kakkoii too!!♥
LOL, the pic of him sticking his tongue out and winking!!!
....credit: tu.6.cn, troom [not sure...ehh...i'll check n edit this later])
please enjoy.....douzo~~
(the sweetest hug ever!!! awww....i just love this pic too much!!!!♥♥ ~__~
i wanna hug someone~ like this!!♥♥♥♥)
MANY THANKS TO MY DEAR MISA FOR GIVING ME A MEDAL OF AWESOMENESS!!!! I'VE NEVER GOT A BLOGGER AWARD BEFORE!! even if it's unofficial xD but it's really sweet of you and i'll keep trying my best to take care of my TL-chan (this blog) so that i'm worthy of this precious award!! heehee. gamba des~!
i~ did~ it~!

of course u all know this by now, but.........
yeyyyyyy!!! ^____^
this is it:
(the logo is the same one used for his Toma's Room (toma no heya) blog, btw. such a cute & pretty logo!! love love that heart at the end. this logo really suits toma perfectly.♥ hehe.)
and it happened on aug 30 or aug 31, when i was celebrating being toma's fan for 3 yrs!!! SUGOI NE!!!!!
i've always wished that toma could have his own website (seperate from the johnny's site), but this is sooooooooo awesome already!!!!
i didn't realize what a big deal it was. cuz i never did find toma in the juniors section of the website for some reason and i rarely went to the johnnys site....but only after i went to the toma LJ and read other fans comments, did i realize that in a way, toma is not a johnnys junior anymore!! uwaaaaaaaaa......
toma really deserves his own webpage and so much more things....(like his own photobook!! it makes me so mad when i read news of young girls or guys getting their first pb's, while toma still doesn't have one!!! -___- and of course, i wish he could release a single or something and debut!!)
and so many fans were happy n hyper for toma too, u can read their comments here. *__*
~__~ and this is what toma said about it:
31 August 2010
Vol. 388
Hey, did you notice?
did you wonder where my page went all of a sudden?
yes, that's right.
recently it was decided that ikuta toma would get his own page.
please look after it from now on.
i'm thinking this is a good opportunity to do lots of new things.
(credit: inseiko @Tomalicious forum)
................... HANAMIZUKI NEWS & STUFF:
(and some super cute gakky pics i saw at gakky.org. ah, she's such a cutie!! ~__~)
♥ hanamiz was #1 at the box office for 2 weeks straight!!!! v^___^v
but then BECK premiered.... awww....i knew BECK would knock hanamiz to 2nd place. oh well, 2 weeks at #1 is still awesome!! it's hard to compete against a movie about hiro and other ikemen in a band!! but mukai is also in BECK! lol. (credit: http://www.cinemanavi.co.jp/english/weekend.html)
♥ http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/gakky-will-be-returning-to-okinawa-toma.html
news about the "giving thanks" tour they did, cuz hanamiz is so popular! in general, it's because the hanamizuki song is kinda about "returning the favor", so they returned to where they were born (to give thanks?) and then after that reunite in tokyo.
♥ http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/aragaki-yui-wallpapers-by-lunaplm.html
Hanamizuki & Aragaki Yui related promos (banners/flyers)
go here to see a lot of hanamiz posters n stuff displayed in japan..... ~___~ aww....i really love gakky.org. i wish i was in japan right now to see hanamiz toma n gakky n pink stuff everywhere!!♥
♥ gakky sang Hanamizuki for her new CD that's gonna be released on sept. 22, Niji (rainbow?)!! i definitely like hitoto yo's version more, but gakky's version sounds cute and nice too. ~___~ her voice is sweet and kawaii ne....and the way they remix the music a little, it makes the song sound happier. yeyyyy. u can watch her PV for it at the link below.
(the video linked here has been removied. i dunno if they updated with a new link, but i found this:
[Vietsub+Kara] Aragaki Yui _ Hanamizuki (Movie version)
it's nice, cuz i'm vietnamese, and i can kinda read along at the bottom, though i'm really not so good at reading it. haha. but YEY, I CAN SING ALONG WITH GAKKY CUZ THE ROMANJI AT THE TOP!! xD)
♥ Oricon said that the paperback hanamiz book was ranked number one! (the news: http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/hanamizuki-to-be-released-worldwide.html)
..............toma/gakky PICSSS!!!!♥__♥
(as always, u can go to the toma LJ or mizza's blog now to get these pics. ~__~)
(pics credits (not in order at all!!): http://www.hanamizuki-movie.com, mizza, troom, tu.6.cn, gakky.org,
http://www.raw-photo.net/58_2684.html, tr studio, shatteredtenshi, hudie.com, Baidu, xq, tr studio)

.......... recent messages from toma (from Toma's Room):
in an episode of unubore, toma's penpal, sanda yoshiko gueststars. =) toma went to a Hoobastank concert and it was really cool. only 2 more episodes of unubore deka. unubore and sadametchi do something...!! but he says: "I'm~not telling~you." it was super fun and really rare. (hmm???? DID THEY SING AND DANCE TOGETHER??? *__*)
AND...."impossibly, it was IKEMEN PARADISE?!"
TOMA, SHUN, AND MAKI HAPPENED TO MEET AT ARASHI'S CONCERT ON SEPT.5!! they somehow were all there on the same night, it's been a long time since the 3 of them were together. they were really hyper about it and toma felt as if they were just filming together yesterday. he wants to work with them again. and he still has to do horse riding (still preparing for Genji filming i guess) and so his butt hurts. xD
on sept.9, he wrote that he went to Kushiro for hanamizuki promoting and he really misses it. they took a walk and took pictures. "Saki and Gohei who met on the bridge, held hands and ran. Gohei who saw Saki cried and freaked out. Etc etc." (i loved that scene where they ran off together!! ~__~ so romantic.) it made him happy and he wants to come back sometime. because "I've got lots of memories there." ~___~
(credit: inseiko @the tomalicious forum & jessica @the toma LJ)
(EVERYONE WAS REALLY HYPER ABOUT THIS AT THE TOMA LJ. =D CHECK OUT THEIR COMMENTS AND TOMA'S FULL MESSAGE HERE: http://community.livejournal.com/ikuta_toma/605979.html. also, toma saying his butt hurts reminds me of his silly muscle ache song from 2008!! lol. i posted it there in the comments.)
(oh~ btw, paige made a very pretty hanamiz template for the toma msgs posted at the tomalicious forum!! u've gotta check it out, if u can, here:
..............24 hr terebi stuff:

this is a special LIVE show that lasts 24 hrs, i guess. i totally forgot to read the news about it, but i don't think they'd mention him anyway, cuz he was only on for a couple minutes. but it's cool, cuz toma never got to be on the show be4. toma got to put up a pic of him that shows what he's thankful 4, and he chose the pic of him and the hanamiz staff that they took during the crankup. =) (i think? i forgot where i read this.) i only remember some news saying nagase hugged this female celebrity that had a crush on him after she finished the marathon. xD
[more pics from the 24 hour TV show]
download video clips here (or watch online at h's youtube page):
[thanks, mizza!♥]
............cool toma LJ stuff:
[TOMA's ICONS. thanks, mizza!♥]
[[icons] in TOKIO's PV]
...........random toma stuff:
this is the news about the special arashi concert toma, shun, maki were at together. oh...turns out lots of celebrities were there that night. and i forgot maki acted with sho in a drama a while ago. haha....but STILL....that was still really cool that they were all there. xD
Largest water fountain sets wow 70,000 Arashi fans at National Stadium
please enjoy.....douzo~~
i wanna hug someone~ like this!!♥♥♥♥)
MANY THANKS TO MY DEAR MISA FOR GIVING ME A MEDAL OF AWESOMENESS!!!! I'VE NEVER GOT A BLOGGER AWARD BEFORE!! even if it's unofficial xD but it's really sweet of you and i'll keep trying my best to take care of my TL-chan (this blog) so that i'm worthy of this precious award!! heehee. gamba des~!
i~ did~ it~!
of course u all know this by now, but.........
yeyyyyyy!!! ^____^
this is it:
(the logo is the same one used for his Toma's Room (toma no heya) blog, btw. such a cute & pretty logo!! love love that heart at the end. this logo really suits toma perfectly.♥ hehe.)
and it happened on aug 30 or aug 31, when i was celebrating being toma's fan for 3 yrs!!! SUGOI NE!!!!!
i've always wished that toma could have his own website (seperate from the johnny's site), but this is sooooooooo awesome already!!!!
i didn't realize what a big deal it was. cuz i never did find toma in the juniors section of the website for some reason and i rarely went to the johnnys site....but only after i went to the toma LJ and read other fans comments, did i realize that in a way, toma is not a johnnys junior anymore!! uwaaaaaaaaa......
toma really deserves his own webpage and so much more things....(like his own photobook!! it makes me so mad when i read news of young girls or guys getting their first pb's, while toma still doesn't have one!!! -___- and of course, i wish he could release a single or something and debut!!)
and so many fans were happy n hyper for toma too, u can read their comments here. *__*
~__~ and this is what toma said about it:
31 August 2010
Vol. 388
Hey, did you notice?
did you wonder where my page went all of a sudden?
yes, that's right.
recently it was decided that ikuta toma would get his own page.
please look after it from now on.
i'm thinking this is a good opportunity to do lots of new things.
(credit: inseiko @Tomalicious forum)
................... HANAMIZUKI NEWS & STUFF:
(and some super cute gakky pics i saw at gakky.org. ah, she's such a cutie!! ~__~)

but then BECK premiered.... awww....i knew BECK would knock hanamiz to 2nd place. oh well, 2 weeks at #1 is still awesome!! it's hard to compete against a movie about hiro and other ikemen in a band!! but mukai is also in BECK! lol. (credit: http://www.cinemanavi.co.jp/english/weekend.html)
♥ http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/gakky-will-be-returning-to-okinawa-toma.html
news about the "giving thanks" tour they did, cuz hanamiz is so popular! in general, it's because the hanamizuki song is kinda about "returning the favor", so they returned to where they were born (to give thanks?) and then after that reunite in tokyo.
♥ http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/aragaki-yui-wallpapers-by-lunaplm.html
Hanamizuki & Aragaki Yui related promos (banners/flyers)
go here to see a lot of hanamiz posters n stuff displayed in japan..... ~___~ aww....i really love gakky.org. i wish i was in japan right now to see hanamiz toma n gakky n pink stuff everywhere!!♥
(the video linked here has been removied. i dunno if they updated with a new link, but i found this:
[Vietsub+Kara] Aragaki Yui _ Hanamizuki (Movie version)
it's nice, cuz i'm vietnamese, and i can kinda read along at the bottom, though i'm really not so good at reading it. haha. but YEY, I CAN SING ALONG WITH GAKKY CUZ THE ROMANJI AT THE TOP!! xD)
♥ Oricon said that the paperback hanamiz book was ranked number one! (the news: http://www.gakky.org/2010/09/hanamizuki-to-be-released-worldwide.html)
(as always, u can go to the toma LJ or mizza's blog now to get these pics. ~__~)
(pics credits (not in order at all!!): http://www.hanamizuki-movie.com, mizza, troom, tu.6.cn, gakky.org,
http://www.raw-photo.net/58_2684.html, tr studio, shatteredtenshi, hudie.com, Baidu, xq, tr studio)
.......... recent messages from toma (from Toma's Room):
in an episode of unubore, toma's penpal, sanda yoshiko gueststars. =) toma went to a Hoobastank concert and it was really cool. only 2 more episodes of unubore deka. unubore and sadametchi do something...!! but he says: "I'm~not telling~you." it was super fun and really rare. (hmm???? DID THEY SING AND DANCE TOGETHER??? *__*)
AND...."impossibly, it was IKEMEN PARADISE?!"
TOMA, SHUN, AND MAKI HAPPENED TO MEET AT ARASHI'S CONCERT ON SEPT.5!! they somehow were all there on the same night, it's been a long time since the 3 of them were together. they were really hyper about it and toma felt as if they were just filming together yesterday. he wants to work with them again. and he still has to do horse riding (still preparing for Genji filming i guess) and so his butt hurts. xD
(credit: inseiko @the tomalicious forum & jessica @the toma LJ)
(EVERYONE WAS REALLY HYPER ABOUT THIS AT THE TOMA LJ. =D CHECK OUT THEIR COMMENTS AND TOMA'S FULL MESSAGE HERE: http://community.livejournal.com/ikuta_toma/605979.html. also, toma saying his butt hurts reminds me of his silly muscle ache song from 2008!! lol. i posted it there in the comments.)
(oh~ btw, paige made a very pretty hanamiz template for the toma msgs posted at the tomalicious forum!! u've gotta check it out, if u can, here:
..............24 hr terebi stuff:

[more pics from the 24 hour TV show]
download video clips here (or watch online at h's youtube page):
[thanks, mizza!♥]
............cool toma LJ stuff:
[TOMA's ICONS. thanks, mizza!♥]
[[icons] in TOKIO's PV]
...........random toma stuff:
this is the news about the special arashi concert toma, shun, maki were at together. oh...turns out lots of celebrities were there that night. and i forgot maki acted with sho in a drama a while ago. haha....but STILL....that was still really cool that they were all there. xD
Largest water fountain sets wow 70,000 Arashi fans at National Stadium
hehee... katie-chan. ^__^ i'm looking forward to the complete post. ^__^
finally done editing.
i hope u and everyone likes my completed super long post, misa. but especially~ you~, cuz i know u've been looking forward to it soooo much. ~___~ ja ne, misa-chan....*hugs* i'm going to sleep and i hope i dream about my honey.....♥_♥
i meant to say that toma's website logo is similar to his Toma's Room logo, not the same. hehe.
his toma no heya logo looks like this (thanks to zoe!):
tnx 4 d update again
d pics nd stuff r awsum.nd wow!toma has his own webpage.thts gr8.
soo jealous of gakky tho-,-
Im amazed everytime u have a new post! The longer the better kyahhhhh XDXDXD
& i really luv winkup toma too, especially the pic of him with his puppydog face ~ so kute ~ XDXDXD
Oh I am so jelous of gakky because she is too close to Toma!! wanna be the one making the heart shape thing with him T_T lol XD
aww thankyou kate san for sharing all Toma's news ^_^
Arigatou, Kate-chan! I enjoy reading long posts! Thank you for your hard work! :D
Aww...that's so sweet of Toma and Gakky to do a Hanamizuki 'giving thanks' tour!! Not many people do tours like this..it's a nice touch to the film...so many hearts!! Gakky is really sweet and she's a great actress but I can't help but feel a little jealous, she's so lucky to be with Toma so much!! >< Hmm..I agree with you about Gakky's version of Hanamizuki- I also prefer Hitoto Yo's version. I think it's just the way she sang it didn't move me as much..but I think that's just because Gakky wasn't holding onto the notes while she sang, it seemed abrupt at points. Needless to say, she does have a very nice voice :)
Uwahhhh...so much awesome stuff is happening to Toma atm...I was so hyper when I found out that he got his own webpage xD And all of his pics this month are *especially* awesome...like, 'I stopped breathing for a few seconds'-awesome, so kakkoi~! xD Apparently he's also going to be in a new Final Fantasy XIV CM..I *think* he's doing a character voice....lol, what can't this ikemen do? xD
Have you had a chance to watch UnuDeka ep.6 yet?
Ohh, I almost forgot, have you seen this Unubore clip? It had me in stitches for aaaages! xD I can't wait to see it in context haha!
(I'm not sure whether I should post this link here, but just in case, feel free to delete it) :)
katieeee.... ^____________^ waaah... i guess my fav ep so far is ep 6 but i'm looking 4ward to ep 10 & the final ep. omgggggggggggggggggg i can't think bout anything else but Toma's Final Fantasy XIV cm. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! omggggggggggggggg gorgeous Tomaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^////////////^
Aww, lots of 'hearts' for the Hanamizuki cast ^^
All the goodies at the store does look inviting. And there was such nice souvenir stuff for the movie.
I know that Toma's got his own page; but I wasn't sure, does that really mean a debut; cos it's not very clear, right. There isn't a formal announcement. So I wasn't sure still...
And thanks for liking the new Toma Room template ^_^
(whew, sorry for the late reply, everyone~~)
u're welcome! ~__~
aw, thanks!! yey for toma's own webpage!
haha...i'm jealous of her too, but she's so cute neeeee.
hountoni?? yeyyyy! ~__~
OMG, I LOVE WINKUP SO MUCH. his puppydog face is soooooo cute. ^////^ i love the cool toma photoshoots, but MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE!!! cute/innocent toma is LOVE!♥
★akemi himekami,
heehee...i wanna make a heart with toma too!!
you're welcomeeee!! ~__~ it's my pleasure ne...
(btw, i love yr username. i dunno if i've told u that be4, but it sounds cool and it reminds me of the elves in LOTR. xD)
you're very welcome! i really enjoy sharing toma news n stuff w/everyone, though sometimes it takes me forever to get my posts done. xD but it's worth it cuz i know u and everyone else likes my posts. heehee...
hai...so many hearts!! =P aww...i guess everyone is jealous of gakky spending lots of time with toma. but hanamiz promotion is over now! whew...
you're totally right...but each version is nice, and gakky's voice i sweet. but actually, i think her voice is a little too nasal sometimes. =P
"like, 'I stopped breathing for a few seconds'-awesome" awwwwww......haha. i do love the pics for this month soooooo much. it's been a long time since i love all the 4 main mag's photoshoots. haha.
FINAL FANTASY TOMA!!!!! well, even though he's only doing the CM, that's still so freaking awesome!! xDDDD there's nothing toma can't do!!! haha.
i've watched ep.6! it was a nice ep. and toma was super adorable, but i wish there was more toma + her romantic moments. OMGGGGGG. that clip is sooooo funny!!! xD thanks so much for sharing! i have no idea why they're dancing together, but that's just AWESOMENESS!! *O* (it's okie, it doesn't give away anything really! =P)
★misaaaaaa... ~____~
i guess lots of toma fans like ep.6 the most so far cuz toma appeared more in it, but i think ep. 2 and 5 are still my favs....haha. but ep.6 is my 3rd fav, i guess. ^_^
he looks sooooo kakkoii. >/////////<
i love how hanamiz is all about PINK things from the start....PINK hanamizuki flower petals, most of the goodies are PINK, and now the big PINK heart toma and her are in the middle of....haha. hai.....i wish i could buy some of those things at the local japanese bookstore!!!
oh no......that doesn't mean he's debuted. i just meant that it feels like toma is unofficially....not a junior anymore now. kinda. at least online. haha.
oh, i really LOVE that Toma Room template that u made!! ~___~
ma, i always like yr templates ne.
yeah.i guess thats y im more jealous of her -,-
shes really pretty even in their haneru no tobira thing...
that's true!! i'm jealous of her cuz she gets to be with toma AND cuz she's soooooo pretty and cute. >////< it's not fair. hehe...some girls are just soooo lucky.
but it's funny, cuz i didn't think she looked that cute in Smile with jun...hmm... sometimes she can look really plain too.
yeah...like d times when she ties her hair in a bun kinda thing.she looks older.
but now shes looking realy cute and pretty.(T.T)*sobs*~of jealousy
evn tho im jealous,i wudnt mind if it was rumoured they were goin out tho cos theyre such a sweet couple, specially when they hugged in hanamiz >,<
hahaha arigatou! :) it’s kinda funny that you mentioned LOTR, that was actually the inspiration for my username xD my username comes from my email address which i’ve had since the films came out. after i saw the first film i started reading the books and decided that the elves were my fave…hence elven_myth. they’re just so graceful and ethereal (very much unlike myself lol..i’d be on a lucky streak if i didn’t trip myself up at least twice a day) :p are you LOTR fan too?
i loved ep. 6! so much toma lol! although, compared to other episodes, (esp 2, 4 and 5) there were many sobering moments…i felt so sorry for sadame when saeki forced him to realise that the girl manipulated him into buying the apartment…and he really cared about her! >< although, having said that, i thought it was hilarious when sadame and the director were talking about the unubore final: ‘well, after we kill you, we’ll just resurrect you!’ xD
it was also cool how unubore’s life gradually merged with sadame’s, with the orange diet and the ending scene. that was very clever on the (real-life) director’s part lol.
aaaaaand it was pretty awesome when sadame took his shirt off…i may have flailed *a lot* during that part >////<
speaking of flailing OMGGGGGGGG!! his final fantasy cm!!! *dies* soooo cool! (kinda reminds me a little of LOTR haha) it’s great that he’s been given an opportunity to take part in marketing a product that he’s really passionate about! i blame my inability to study on this cm….and this month’s pics…and unudeka….i’m doomed lol :p
i’m glad that you liked the clip! :D from discussions on LJ i think that this is from ep. 10…wow, i can’t believe that it’s finishing, it’s such a fun drama! even though toma does a fantastic job in all of his dramas/movies and puts so much effort into his characters, i think he especially enjoys playing slightly hyper/ baka characters like nakatsu…he does such a good job with exaggerating their character traits..he really knows how to ham it up! xD
yep...but most of the time, she looks reallyyy cute. hehe. *jealous* >_<
me too!! i'd love it if they were really together. they R such a cute couple in hanamiz. and i LOVE LOVE that hug so much! <3
wow! the elves are my favorite too. they're just so pretty and graceful, ethereal, like u said. i'm an LOTR fan too. i guess lots of ppl are ne. cuz those movies are just so awesome.
hai....i felt sorry for him for those sad moments too. =( haha....yeah! the director's plan is so great. doesn't make a lot of sense, but as long as he can keep living. xDD yeah! that was so cool how they made the ending like that and it totally goes with the theme of themesong's MV!! =D oh....when he took his shirt off. omgggg. though he's skinny but still!!! >/////< wish i was there in that bar at that moment. LOL.
(that's right! it is kinda LOTR-like!) omggggg!!! his FF cm is sooooo awesome and he just looks SO RIGHT for that CM. yeah! so nice for toma that it's a game that he loves and now he gets to promote it! though i always like pretty toma more than manly toma, but he just looks soooooo cool this time. wow!!
aww....i'll miss this drama. yes!! i think toma must like these kinda nakatsu-like roles, and he's sooooo good at hamming it up. LOL. i love seeing toma in these kinda roles, and seeing all his silly/cute expressions. xD
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