
kate desu~
sorry for the long wait. like i said, i've been waiting for more toma news to build up be4 i post, and i've been kinda lazy to update/busy. haha.... OH, I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THE NEW BANNERS FOR THIS BLOG AND DEAR TOMA... TOO. IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO FIND NICE AUTUMN PICS. I ALMOST GAVE UP....xD (oh, i love toma's duet pics this month!! the pic above. ^///^ kakkoii!!!! i think it's duet...hmm.)
u know what...
i miss the good old days, back in 2007 and 2008, when the toma fandom was much more active. i guess it's normal to have a lack of fangirling at certain times of the year, but....seems like some toma sites have been really quiet. the tomalicious forum, TFS, even the toma LJ, i guess. i'm a little worried about that.
i guess it's because toma's working on movies more than dramas? THANK GOODNESS i was a fan since 2007. i could hardly keep up with all the new stuff posted about toma almost everyday, though....so i guess it's not so bad when it's kinda quiet like these days, either. haha. I KNOW THERE'S STILL A TON OF TOMA FANS OUT THERE.....cuz whenever something exciting like toma's FF14 cm came out, there's a ton of comments and flailing going on everywhere. LOL!!! and soooo many people wished toma a happy birthday at twitter this year. ~_____~ i just wish everyone could do more fangirling more often, not just on special occasions, like toma's birthday. that would be nice ne.....
oh, speaking of twitter, hiro and ayaka started to twitter!!! wow....i wish toma could too, but i guess it's not gonna happen as long as he's still with Johnnys. which will be FOREVER. LOL....and congrats to hiro on winning an award for his short novel or something!! SUGEHHH!! ^___^
(just announced yesterday?) IS.....!!!
YEYYYYYY!!! ^_______^
here's the news
(thanks to misa for telling me!! ~_~):
Johnny’s stars nominated for 2010 Hochi Film Awards
(go to the 3rd page of comments
to see the full translated list of nominated actors/actresses + movies)
toma got nominated for:
-BEST ACTOR (ningen shikkaku, hanamizuki)
-BEST NEW ARTIST (ningen shikkaku, hanamizuki)
and ningen got nominated for BEST PICTURE (japanese film).
also, gakky got nominated for BEST ACTRESS (hanamizuki)!! yeyyyyy!! ~___~
i'm so happy and proud of toma. happy for the ningen team too! and i'm glad toma and gakky will be reunited there. hehe. i miss seeing them together. i hope they both win!! i hope toma will win both awards, and ningen will win. i dunno anything about the people or movies they're up against, but jin is the guy competing with toma for all those categories. O__O aiyaaaaaaa.
I HOPE TOMA CAN AT LEAST WIN THE BEST NEW ARTIST. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME IF TOMA and NINGEN win all these awards, though!!!!!!!!!! ★__★ toma really deserves to win!! he's worked so hard for both ningen and hanamiz, and his acting is brilliant!!! (everyone, please chant with me.... TOMA, TOMA, TOMA, TOMA, TOMAAA!!! xD)

***the links to DL the press conference video clips or the CM for the drama are below, in the COOL LJ STUFF section.*** =) )
(toma hitler fan art. gosh, he still looks so cute!!)

but the hitler role.... *sigh* i guess i don't mind it that much now, but once i see some video clips and pics from it once toma's really in hitler mode, then i think i might be a little disturbing....O__O
the play is about hitler deciding to execute a bunch of people within one night? something like that. aiyaaaa.....@____@. kowai ne. and recently ppl that hate president obama have been calling him "hitler". good grief! like someone commented, "NO ONE IS HITLER EXCEPT HITLER." haha. umm....but it's a super challenging role, and i guess it'll show how good an actor toma is if he can pull it off. so.....gambatte, toma-kun!!
LOL....at what toma said in the news below.

Higashiyama and Ikuta hope playing women will make them better actors
Johnny’s stars Noriyuki Higashiyama (44) and Toma Ikuta (26) talked about their hopes for their upcoming stage plays Madame de Sade/わが友ヒットラー (Waga Tomo Hitler, My Friend Hitler) in the “ミシマダブル (Mishima Double)” show at a press conference in Tokyo yesterday, reports Ticket Pia.
The two actors attended the event with other cast members and theatre director Yukio Ninagawa (74).
The first play, Madame de Sade, is set in 18th century Paris where six women talk about their encounters with an imprisoned aristocrat, Marquis de Sade, while the second, My Friend Hitler, is based on the historical Night of the Long Knives incident in 1934. Both plays were written by acclaimed Japanese playwright Yukio Mishima, who had even left notes saying he had wanted male actors to play the women in Madame de Sade.
Theatre director Ninagawa had said he had unique and big plans for his actors to try and match Mishima’s dramatic visualization of the shows. Hearing Ninagawa’s plans, Higashiyama said he had a lot to learn in order to fulfill his director’s expectations.
“I was surprised at how much of it expresses Ninagawa-san’s sadistic qualities,” he said.
“If we get through this play, we’ll be pretty amazing don’t you think?,” Ikuta said.
The two actors continued to talk about their own goals for the show.
“I hope [Ikuta and I] can learn a lot. I want to make it a play I’ll never forget, and I hope I can become a better actor,” Higashiyama said.
“This’ll be the first time I cross-dress. But I hope that the people who come to see the show go home thinking I was the most prettiest,” Ikuta said.
“Mishima Double” will start performances in Tokyo from February 2 to March 2 before moving onto Osaka for performances from March 8 to 20. Tickets are set to go on sale from November 27.
..........summary of toma's room entries (from nov. 6 and 11):
[credit: jessica and mizza. for the full msgs, go to the toma LJ or mizza's blog!]
toma likes to have breakfast in a coffee shop lately. he's sorry for not updating, but "no news, means everything's fine. that's good." he's not used to filming with his friend yet. =P
about the 2 plays' press conference. please look forward to febrary 2011, he'll try his best for his performance. "the weather is turning cold, be careful and don't catch a cold!" filming for Genji is going well and he's used to the heavy traditional japanese clothing and wigs now. he'll work very hard to make it a good movie. the leonid meteor shower...heard that we can see the most from the night of nov.17 to 18. "2001's meteor shower was awesome! they just slid past very quickly". he really wants to see the meteor shower again this year ne. "...sorry for changing the topic so many times." (haha...toma. u don't have to apologize for that! and i love meteor showers too, toma!! but i didn't see any. *sigh* sometimes i do see random shooting stars though. ~__~)
................. TOMA PICS.♥
(credit 4 all pics used in this post: mizza, baidu, yt, tomadaisuki, xq, memo_toma, http://milesboard.deviantart.com/art/JOHNNY-S-EMPIRE-IKUTA-TOMA-181865253?q=boost%3Apopular+toma+ikuta&qo=177, annachuu, t.sina.com)

kyaaaaa.... aww...wonder why he's crying??)
i love toma's moody look. nanka, he looks really hot like that. fufufu...)
..........random toma stuff
Top 5: Celebrities you most want to spend Christmas with
(toma got 5th place. ~__~)
Mickey (Nakatsu/Mizuki, Sano/Nakatsu) Hana Kimi fanvid MV
[old random toma facts....and lots of ppl voted for toma for sexiest guy alive, best actor, etc. xD]
[about the awesome tomalicious bday project in 2008, in case u didn't know.]
[a tomapi facebook page. the nekonekorocketo video of chibi tomapi singing/dancing together there!! xD ]
[video and mp3 clips from 4tops, the singing group toma was in with yamashita, kazama, and hasegawa.]
...........cool LJ stuff

[the vietnamese fans' subbing team!!
wow....they've subbed lots of videos!! THEY'RE GOING TO SUB NINGEN SHIKKAKU! *_____* though i'm not that good at reading viet, i think i might try to watch ningen with their subs if it's been too long and still no eng. subs. BTW, THERE IS ARE OTHER SUBBING TEAMS THAT TRANSLATE HIS VIDEOS INTO CHINESE, SPANISH, ITALIAN....i don't have the links to those, but i guess u can ask at the toma LJ or google to try to find them.]
----MORE links to DL other videos of the presscon:
----Kyukei no Kouya CMs
---MORE chibi toma pics (thanks to mizza!♥):
[rumor: Ikuta Toma suspect Corps and joined Jin, Nishikido exposure night-clubbing]
[Wink Up December 2010 intv translation]
[Hanamizuki Trailer with English Sub ♥_♥]
(i already talked about this a while back, but in case u missed it...)
this song makes me think of toma.
it sounds so familiar.
i think some1 has used it in a toma fanvideo or it's been used in a tv show i saw. hmm....
Addicted by kelly clarkson:
...and i've been listening to this song a lot. the lyrics make me think of toma! it's a pretty cool song. (u can go here to listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DpPOsWNdQ)
"i used to dream about, the life i'm living now.
i know that there's no doubt.
i made it, i made it!"
though i don't post new entries often here,
remember i still post at my cbox on the right often.
i've recently started posting random stuff at my LJ too.
u can go there if u miss me. hehe. =P
Hi kate chan ^_^ thankyou for the info I will ask zoe I also following her lol...
I havent post anything because I have been toO busy this days with school =s because I am in college and it is so stressfull!! anyways I am also one of the people that I want to spend christmas with Toma XD lol ... maybe I will do a fanvid about it with the song "All I want for christmas" ^_^ I need so much to do!! hopefully for thanksgiving I would have everything done I need some rest T_T lol
When I have everything I will show you my entry =)
u're welcome! i really hope she can give u the link.
ohh...gambatte ne!
heehee....yep. i'd love to spend xmas with him too. xD that's a good idea! hehe. an xmas fanvid. don't think any1's done that. okie...good luck with everything!
hai, i'm looking forward to it! ~__~
ohisashiburi~! how have you been? thank you for another super post! :D uwahh..it feels like years since i last visited your blog. i had exams for most of last month and i'm traveling in france at the moment (finally got to a computer lol).
i can't believe unudeka has finished >< it was such a good drama (hana kimi will probably always be my fave but unudeka was still awesome!) what did you think of the ending? i'm glad that sadame decided to keep on acting, despite his lameness, hehehe
yay~! toma's been nominated a few times for awards this year, so excited for him~ xD i really hope he wins, he's done so much awesome stuff this year to win at least one award at the end would be the icing on the cake! i honestly have no idea how he managed to do all that he did this year...3 movie releases a couple of dramas, countless promotional events and now preparations for stage plays...i would've been so exhausted by now >< really admire him for his hard work!
has kyukei no koya already aired? i've been so behind with toma news ><
hope all's well :) xx
i've been ok, thanks. how r u? hehe.
no problem! xD aww....souka. have fun in france!!
i'm glad ur exams r over!
yep. unudeka is done.
i haven't gotten around to watching the ending. lol.
it's ok, i can guess what happens. xD
toma didn't win any awards. i found out right after i saw yr comment, in fact. this one movie won 3 awards. toma, ningen, gakky won nothing. *cries* i can't believe it!! i was hoping at least he'd win best newcomer. i hope there will be other chances for him to win awards this year or next year?? hmm...
yep! toma really worked so hard this year. and he's skinnier now. =T
yep! and u can watch it on9 now. there are links posted at the toma LJ.
have u finished reading my fic?
i guess u'll post a comment there after u're done.
>///////< wah....i can't wait to see yr comment.
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